News Report
YOGYAKARTA – Student Executive Council of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM BEM-KM) hosted International Conference of ASEAN Young Leaders which was attended by student representatives fro...
The applicable results of research from a University are expected to be followed with graduate’s action to return to the village to build the disadvantaged areas.
YOGYAKARTA – UGM Faculty of Forestry insists that strengthening forest management is needed as a key to sustainable forest management, because the rate of forest destruction in Indone...
Indonesian Nano-Satellite Platform Initiative for Research & Education (INSPIRE) is an initiative of non-profit project that aims to build and develop a platform of satellite tec...
Jogjakarta has the potential to become an industrial city based on research.
Former Vice President and Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, asserted that the Indonesians, to be able to progress and catch up with other nations, need not...
Still remember SEMAR? SEMAR car is a concept car made by UGM students that promoted the nation in SHELL ECO Marathon 2011 competition in Sepang Malaysia last July.
Characters education is one of the important aspects to build the nation’s character.
The research results and technology products in the country have not become the basis in developing industrial sector for policy makers.
Various problems encountered by the nation in recent years are actually derived from the weak character of the nation.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada holds Open Campus and Innovation Expo which is a series of UGM Research Week 2011.
Guidance is the process of providing assistance to individuals carried on continually so that they understand themselves and are capable to direct and act reasonably in accordance wi...
YOGYAKARTA – Solidarity of the Wives of Members of United Indonesia Cabinet (SIKIB) and Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UGM launched additional provision pr...
YOGYAKARTA – Along with the technology development in the field of library, the quality of library services needs to be better.
Once again, UGM students participated in the international forum. This time, the UGM team consisting of Adhita Sri Prabakusuma (Faculty of Agriculture), Adi Trimulyo (Faculty of Agricultura...
YOGYAKARTA – The threat of economic crisis in Europe has made the world wary of the impact of global economic crisis.
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesian Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Drs. Muhaimin Iskandar, M.Si., inaugurated Centre for Social Protection and Decent Work Studies, in Faculty of Soci...
YOGYAKARTA- Around 250 foreign students from various countries, such as Germany, Australia, South Korea, the Netherlands and China, were eager to watch Saman dance performed by stude...
The mourning atmosphere surrounded the family of Triani Puji Irianti (49).
Change of officials at UGM is part of profession and staff rotation that has to continue.
YOGYAKARTA – Approximately 27 remarkable universities in Taiwan take part in Taiwan Higher Education Fair 2011.
YOGYAKARTA-Faculty of Engineering UGM, particularly Department of Engineering Physics, now begins to pioneer research on the latest nuclear reactor design.
As many as 29 researchers in the field of thermal and fluid sciences from Indonesia and Japan discuss the results of their research in the National Seminar and Exhibition of "Thermoflu...
The number of foreign students who are studying at UGM from year to year always increases.
IFSA (International Forestry Students’ Association) is an organization of forestry students from around the world which has 73 local committees, including IFSA LC of Universitas Gadja...
YOGYAKARTA – Legal studies prevailing in Indonesia need to have Pancasila paradigm.
YOGYAKARTA – Stocks ownership and government intervention in banking affect adversely to the performance of national banks.
YOGYAKARTA – Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA), Dr. Chairil Anwar, launched the ‘MIPA Ngepit’ (MIPA Biking) program in order to support the ‘UGM...
Faculty of Animal Science of Universitas Gadjah Mada began the series of 42th Anniversary commemoration by implementing the Opening event on Wednesday (21/9) with the theme “Faculty of An...
Senior Vice Rector for Education, Research and Community Service Professor.