News Report
Ambassador of Austria, Dr. Klaus Wolfer, and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof.
Gunung Kidul –Master of Management (MM) Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Biology and Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) initiate a pilot pool cultivation of...
Welcoming the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan 1432 H, Graduate Muslim Student Association of Universitas Gadjah Mada (HIMMPAS) held a charity health service.
YOGYAKARTA- In the new era of tourism today, poverty can actually be made a tourist attraction.
Silver carving in Kotagede, Yogyakarta is in danger of extinction.
Brown Planthopper attacks in Java are more widespread due to weather anomalies rather than simultaneous rice cultivation.
Intra-industrial trade (PII) is important solution for Indonesia’s trade with other Asean countries.
The existence of a number of regulatory changes in health, particularly in pharmaceuticals in the past two years is fresh air for professional pharmacists in performing pharmacy services.
YOGYAKARTA-The role of the private sector in the management of conservation areas in Indonesia is still considered minimal.
The position of Indonesia’s competitiveness is considered lower than that of neighboring countries that have long put the elements of knowledge and innovation into their every economic ac...
UGM students once again participated in the international arena. Three students of the Faculty of Forestry who are members of the organization of The International Forestry Students’ ...
The low level of industry that orientates towards the increase of added value is a homework for many groups.
YOGYAKARTA-Orchids that belong to the family of Orchidaceae have long been known by the public, both as decorative plants or cut flowers.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada conducts the symbolic cornerstone-laying of the new building of the graduate program on Friday (22/7).
UGM once again held a job market entitled Career Days IX 2011 ‘Fresher, Smarter, Winner’.
Currently, the quality of health services has touched upon the issue of patient safety.
The tsunami that hit Aceh in 2004 is believed to be the biggest tsunami ever to hit the region.
YOGYAKARTA – Corruption, particularly political corruption, seems to find a fertile ground in Indonesia.
Gymnastics with Faculty leaders, lecturers, and academic staff enlivened the opening of the 56th Anniversary of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM.
Lecturer of Institute for the Study of Women and Child Development Yogyakarta, Ifa Aryani, says that currently many distinctions in educating and raising children in the community are still...
A nation that wants to progress, independent, and prosper requires a strong character.
MAKASSAR- Ever had your credit card or ATM card balances taken out by others without your knowledge? Or ever felt harmed in a robbery done through an ATM? You don’t have to worry a...
The Himmpas (Muslim Post-Graduate Student Association of UGM) organisation and the East Asia Study Group, UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, hold a cross-cultural discussion on t...
To celebrate National Children’s Day 2011, UGM through the Institute for Research and Community Service and Women’s Studies Center held a health education in the Hargotirto vill...
YOGYAKARTA-Tradition of publishing scientific papers or research work in Indonesia is not yet well established.
YOGYAKARTA- Never be afraid to dream! When we have the will and work hard, there will always be a way to achieve dreams.
Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Makmuri Muchlas, Ph.D., Sp.KJ (K), died on Tuesday (19/7) in Bintaro Hospital, Jakarta, at 12:50 pm.
YOGYAKARTA- Democratization of political recruitment of regional leaders is urgent to be done.
Department of Geodesy and Geomatics, Faculty of Engineering holds a short course ‘Geospatial Sciences & Technologies for Disaster Management’.
To instill love to the environment, the Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station (KP4) organized EfSD (Education for Sustainable Development) Camping from 15-16 July.