News Report
MAKASSAR – A total of 1,714 students from 91 State/Private Universities (PTN/PTS) is ready to compete in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) XXIV held at the Hasanuddin Univers...
Standardization in free trade increasingly plays a very important role.
UGM Bimasakti team launched Bimasakti (literally means Milky Way) formula car, on Tuesday (26/7), at the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center.
Kemadang Village Community, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul, welcomed the sustainable community empowerment program that has been conducted by the UGM Faculty of Biology.
A total of 23 universities of the Faculty of Medicine Student Senate Association (ISMKI) conducts a disaster management national social service activity at the Faculty of Medicine UGM.
Combating drug abuse is one of the important agendas that is currently the focus of government.
A total of 20 students of economics and business of Wirtschaft Universitat (WU) Wien Vienna University, Austria, and 15 students of UGM Master in Management (MM) researching Indonesian cons...
A very deep feeling of love can make someone act with sincerity even if it means to sacrifice possessions, or even himself.
Climate change is a global issue and has become a chronic problem.
YOGYAKARTA-Arabic language influence continues to decline day by day and is replaced by other foreign languages, such as English and Chinese.
YOGYAKARTA – Communication and counseling are two important points in development.
Bimasakti Formula Car of UGM will be released officially on Tuesday (19/7) at Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center to compete in the 9th Student Formula SAE of Japan 2011.
The bill on the Handling of Underprivileged is proposed to be restructured because all of the chapters do not clearly and expressly regulate the roles and responsibilities of the state in t...
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.
YOGYAKARTA- Yogyakarta is currently experiencing an onslaught of modern democratic politics.
Symptoms of climate change has become a serious concern of the entire community, governments and private sector, NGOs, and the wider community.
To realize educopolis campus and to promote cycling culture among academic community, Universitas Gadjah Mada launched campus bike in an event called UGM Ngepit (UGM Cycling).
After working in the field of business & becoming trading consultant for so long, now it is time for Adri Syahrizal to share his experiences with UGM students who are active as managers...
YOGYAKARTA – As many as 145 world’s Arabic linguists will participate in an international seminar entitled ‘Role of Arabic in the Development of Civilization’ in Yogyaka...
YOGYAKARTA – As many as 145 world’s Arabic linguists will participate in an international seminar entitled Role of Arabic in the Development of Civilization in Yogyakarta.
As many as 300 mathematicians from 13 countries on five continents follow the 6th SEAMS-GMU 2011 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications seminar.
YOGYAKARTA – A researcher from the Asia Research Institute of National University of Singapore, Prof. Dr.
YOGYAKARTA-Archive is the most valuable asset of all existing state assets.
YOGYAKARTA – Character education of the nation is getting farther away from the spirit of values of religion, Pancasila, and nationality.
Indonesia is a country that is often stricken by natural disasters.
Head of Office of International Affairs Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Rachmat Sriwijaya, officially closed DREaM 2011 activites in Ratu Boko Resto (5/7).
Yogyakarta – “The more important thing is instilling values of honesty and discipline to children early on.” That is the first thing delivered by Susyanto, father of Suvia Sakinah, a ...
Yogyakarta- As many as 51 teachers of religion and counseling followed Training on School-Based Conflict Management and Peace Building Course which is facilitated by Center for Security and...
US President’s Science Envoy makes a visit to Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Yogyakarta- Friday Speech (Khotbah Jumat) is one of Islamic rituals.