News Report
YOGYAKARTA-Economic democracy has long been a mandate of the Constitution, especially Article 33 of the Constitution of 1945.
The price of cigarettes in Indonesia is low. Take Marlboro for comparison, the price is cheaper than that in other ASEAN countries.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada allocates scholarships to new students coming from underprivileged families in 2011, who are following the process of registration of new students...
For two days, 17-18 May 2011, Faculty of Medicine UGM held the 5th Gadjah Mada Medical Fair (Gama MedFair).
Being an entrepreneur is not merely seeking for wealth and property, but to seek for real wellbeing.
UGM Faculty of Biology and Master of Management Program (MM) is developing the potential of natural resources based on research in Kemadang Village, Gunung Kidul regency, to support economi...
Monday (16/5) American Corner Library, Universitas Gadjah Mada, received a visit from Piet Hendrardjo (representative of AMINEF Jakarta) and Patricia Esposito (Institute of International Ed...
In the year of 2011, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), is hosting the most prestigious robotics event in the homeland.
The central government encourages local governments not to be late in approving Regional Budget Plan (RAPBD) into the actual Regional Budget.
YOGYAKARTA – Masters of Management Program (MM), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM plants 7250 tree seedlings in Gondang, Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan District, Sunday (15/5).
JAKARTA-Vice-President Boediono together with Minister of National Education, M. Nuh, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Darwin Zahedy Saleh, accompanied by Country Chairman and Pres...
YOGYAKARTA – Employees are not merely one’s subordinates but partners in maintaining continuity of company’s business.
For the first time, the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business will hold an International Jazz concert BNI-Economic Jazz at the Grand Pacific Ballroom, Saturday (14/5) night.
The School of Statistics (STIS) team wins the National Statistics Olympiad (ONS) held by the Statistics Student Association (Himasta) of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, 12-...
The gap between energy needs and supply is still found.
Faculty of Law UGM together with the Institute of Professional Language and Education (LBPP) LIA Yogyakarta held a Workshop on Tips & Tricks Doing TOEFL and EPT on Thursday, May 12, 201...
YOGYAKARTA – As one of Corporate Social Responsibility activities, PT Lotte Indonesia provides educationa scholarships to students of Korean Language Department, Faculty of Cultural...
YOGYAKARTA – It is not easy to build the image and reputation of an institution or company.
YOGYAKARTA – It is not easy to build the image and reputation of an institution or company.
Responding to the recent issues of NII, the Muslim group of Faculty of Geography UGM in cooperation with Indonesia Madani Foundation held a discussion aiming to prevent NII’s influence on...
Yogyakarta- Public Relations (PR) has strategic function, especially to enhance the image of an organization.
UGM Graduate Student Association held an art event in a series of arts and culture festival of year 2011.
UGM Bimasakti team that will represent Indonesia in the 9th Students Formula SAE Japan (Society of Automotive Engineers) competition receives 250 cc engines from the Union of Automotive Eng...
A total of 300 students from 32 universities in Indonesia will compete in the national student badminton competition, the UGM Cup 2011, organized by UGM’s Badminton Student Activity Unit.
Act No. 30 of 2002 on Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) needs to be revised and adapted to the present development of criminal law and it has to respond to future legal developments.
YOGYAKARTA – Architecture students of UGM exhibit a 6 kilometer mockup about design concept of heritage areas that spans 2.4 kilometers from Tugu Yogyakarta to Ground Zero area.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada put the first stone of construction of Graduate Building of Faculty of Agriculture on Friday (6/5).
The international community has now faced a big problem to meet the food needs of the population, the needs of energy which has dwindling availability and environmental quality deterioratio...
To enhance the creative industries of the local content software developer, PT.
The caterpillar pest attacks that hit eight regions in Indonesia such as Probolinggo, Kendal, Payakumbuh, Yogyakarta, Banten, Batu, Bali and Subang are not entirely resulting in adverse eco...