News Report
YOGYAKARTA – Graduating from college is no longer identical with looking for work, but graduates have to be creative to create jobs.
YOGYAKARTA – The number of Professors at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) continues to grow, now reaching to 438 people, consisting of 274 active professors, 36 emeritus professors, and ...
YOGYAKARTA-Economic reality showed that community’s economic behavior and the government’s economic policy still deviate from the values of Pancasila(The five Principles of Indonesi...
As many as 107 undergraduate and diploma students receive scholarship from Rumah Zakat Infaq Shodaqoh (RZIS) UGM.
Teen moral reasoning is oriented toward social agreements and law to achieve social orderliness and prosperity.
YOGYAKARTA-To learn more about scholarship and doctoral education in the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), Friday (25/3), an open house was held for the general public and...
To implement an educopolis area is one of the visions included in the Campus Development Master Plan (RIPK).
YOGYAKARTA – Animal Husbandry Association of Indonesia (ISPI) of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region expressed concerns over the slump of cattle prices in the market.
YOGYAKARTA-On Friday, March 11, 2011, an earthquake at of 8.9 on the Richter scale occurred in Japan.
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS) Yogyakarta provides scholarships on international doctoral program and cross-cultural religious studies.
Gunung Kidul – Students of Master of Management (MM), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM conducted mentoring and entrepreneurship training on seaweed cultivation business i...
Dolphins are one of the endangered marine mammals. This intelligent animal is threatened to extinction due to numerous murders.
YOGYAKARTA – Rector Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D.
GUNUNG KIDUL – Program Studi Magister Manajemen (MM) of Faculty of Economoics and Business UGM have applied ethics mainstreaming learning in every education and teaching proces...
YOGYAKARTA – Lovers of cats in Yogyakarta participate in the cat festival, the 1st Anniversary Jogja Cat Carnival (JCC), at the UGM University Club (UC), Saturday (19/3).
YOGYAKARTA – UGM Lecturer’s Multipurpose Cooperative (Kosudgama) held its 29th Annual Members Meeting at Graha Sabha Pramana, Saturday (19 / 3).
YOGYAKARTA-UGM strengthens cooperation with Campus France and the French Embassy.
An 8.9 Richter Scale earthquake followed by a tsunami rocked Japan on March 11, 2011.
In order to stabilize step towards qualified and characterized learning, Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada develops a network by building a base camp at Parangtritis Geospatial L...
UGM received visit of delegation from Universidad Panamericana, Mexico. The delegation led by Dr. Jose Antonio Esquivias Romera was received by Vice Rector of Alumni Affairs and Business De...
YOGYAKARTA – Prof. Dr. Hery Harjono, earthquake and tsunami researcher from LIPI, asked the community in the south of Java island and west of Sumatra Island to remain vigilant again...
YOGYAKARTA – Member of the National Energy Board (DEN) who is also dean of Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Ir.
YOGYAKARTA-Before the eruption of Mt. Merapi, dairy products are the main product of Boyong sub-village in Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman regency.
YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Biology UGM socializes international publication grant and internship in foreign countries.
YOGYAKARTA – About 13 students and 41 lecturers from Universitas Gadjah Mada in Japan are confirmed safe after the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan last Saturday.
Director of Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Michel Wieviorka mentioned the policy of multiculturalism is one idea for managing cultural diversity to realize democracy.
After three previous publications, Kompas media has re-published the tetralogy of The Other Side of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) entitled Pak Beye dan Keluarganya (Mr.
MAGELANG – Geological researcher of Japan, Dr. Yoshitada Mito, proposed that dredging process of cold lava in Kali Putih river is conducted not only by restoring the flow and function of ...
YOGYAKARTA – Researchers from UGM and Kyoto University, Japan, have made another mapping of lahar flows from Mt.
YOGYAKARTA – Bank of Indonesia (BI) estimates economic growth in 2011 will reach the range of 6.0% -6.5% and increase to 6.1% -6.6% in 2012.