News Report
Taking place at auditorium of Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada on Thursday (10/3), Student Association of Faculty of Geography UGM in cooperation with IMAHAGI and Overseas Coope...
YOGYAKARTA – Academic script and Yogyakarta’s Specialty draft law from government that include the concept of pararadya or governor/vice governor are recommended to be evaluated and cor...
Up to now, physical visibility is still top priority for most libraries in Indonesia.
 Poverty is still a major problem for most Latin American countries.
YOGYAKARTA- A total of 13 booths of food and beverages from Thursday (10/3) until Saturday (12/3) enlivened the Gallusia Food Festival event at the yard of UGM Faculty of Animal Science.
Three librarians of UGM Library were named excellent UGM librarians.
 YOGYAKARTA-Universities in the UK once again reinforce their cooperation with universities in Indonesia.
YOGYAKARTA – About 80% of districts in Indonesia are prone to disasters.
YOGYAKARTA-Socialization Team of Strategic Plan 2010-2014 of House of Representatives visited UGM.
Faculty of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated the new building of graduate program, Monday (7/3).
YOGYAKARTA- World citrus production is threatened to reduce by widespread attack of Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration (GO).
Yogyakarta- Some people currently do not fully understand about money market.
YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, (UGM) is still committed to becoming a leading educational institution of international standard and world class.
YOGYAKARTA – Everyone has an identity that differs them from another.
YOGYAKARTA – It is confirmed that Indonesia experiences losses up to 100 trillion rupiah because many people have health treatment abroad. Some people still think and consider that heal...
YOGYAKARTA – Trade value of the Republic of Indonesia and Latin American countries reaches 6.7 billion U.S.
Reaching its 65 anniversary, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is determined to produce graduates who are critical and have cultural insight while able to compete n...
YOGYAKARTA- The peak of the series of celebrations for the 65th anniversary of Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM is today (3/3) marked by scientific oration by P.M.
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada has received 4 motor engines from PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM). Simbolically, the motor was presented by Henry Gani, ViceÂ...
YOGYAKARTA – Gadjah Mada Chamber Orchestra (GMCO) proved its seriousness in their first concert after two years becoming Student Activity Unit.
Recently designer drugs are produced more quickly and in large numbers.
YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia is known as a supplier country of migrant workers (TKI and TKW) to several countries, particularly Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.
 YOGYAKARTA-A total of 50 types of woven fabric in the country starting on Wednesday (2/3) to Saturday (5/3) are on display at the UGM Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center (PKKH).
YOGYAKARTA-In the process of learning, curriculum is the initial requirement because only by its existence, the learning process could begin or in other words, the curriculum as a series of...
The Rector of UGM will inaugurate Sociedad Indonesia para America Latina (SIpAL) or the Indonesian Society for Latin America on Thursday, 3 March 2011 at the University Club (UC) UGM.
Good transportation in a country has a significant role for development because transportation provides accessibility to goods, services, job, opportunities and education, friends and relat...
YOGYAKARTA – According to WHO (World Health Organization), the hospital is an integral part of a social and health organization with the function to provide complete services (compreh...
YOGYAKARTA – The index of human development and income per capita is not the guarantee to prevent political upheavals.
YOGYAKARTA- Coordination or cooperation of Indonesian community is very low or poor.
YOGYAKARTA – Financial administration at Universitas Gadjah Mada in the past five years has progressed very rapidly.