News Report
Download dream booklet Documentation Book DReAM International Students Summer Program and World Youth Leaders Assembly DReAM is international student summer program initiated by UGM student...
Along with the decreasing activity of Merapi, the dynamics of the emergency response also began to decline.
YOGYAKARTA-At the age of 41, UGM Faculty of Animal Science continues to encourage the development of the quality of lecturers and students.
SLEMAN – Kinahrejo Hamlet in Umbulharjo Village, Cangkringan, Sleman regency, which has been destroyed due to pyroclastic flows of Mount Merapi eruption is considered suitable to...
Yogyakarta Special Region as a city of education, tourism, and culture, has various potential and achievements that are recognized nationally and internationally.
YOGYAKARTA-Celebrating World AIDS Day which falls on December 1st, students of the Faculty of Medicine UGM joining SCORA CIMSA (Centre for Indonesian Medical Student Activities) on Sunday, ...
YOGYAKARTA-Attention and concern for the IDPs of Mount Merapi eruption not only came from within the country, but also from the international community.
Dozens of UGM young doctors who are members of UGM Acceleration Unit of Strategic Plan Achievement (UP2R) together with workshop participants of Optimal Solution of the Natural Resources Ut...
Bulaksumur (KU) – In order to improve Indonesia’s industrial competitiveness, Universitas Gadjah Mada seeks to contribute policy recommendations in the development and cooperati...
Bulaksumur – Dozens of IDPs who had stayed in the UGM campus, Thursday (25/11), were relocated to the shelters at Maguwoharjo Stadium and the Youth Center.
Bulaksumur (KU) – Volunteers of Gelanggang Emergency Response (GER) UGM distributed food to hundreds of IDPs at UGM who decided to return to their homes and those who relocated to Mag...
YOGYAKARTA – Currently, the regional government has the challenge to find optimal solution for making natural resources as source of income whilst not forgetting the need to strengthe...
Cangkringan – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of UGM and the Department of Agriculture of Province of Yogyakarta Special Region burned hundreds of carcasses of cattle owned by resident...
Center for Information and Communication Technology Services (PPTIK) UGM in cooperation with the Ministry of Research and Technology and Blender Indonesia held a workshop of Blender by pr...
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesia continues to struggle and support the continuation of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) with the interest in the sector of special products (SP) and special saf...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) works with 100 private/state universities in Yogyakarta and Central Java to assist survivors of Mt.
In relation to the issuance of Circular Letter of Minister for State Apparatus Empowerment & Bureacracy Reforms dated June 28, 2010 concerning the data collection of honorary staff who ...
Bulaksumur (KU) – UGM and Hyatt Regency Hotel of Yogyakarta continue to cooperate in providing more than 2,500 food servings per day for IDPs at UGM Student Center.
As many as 72,047 livestocks around Mt. Merapi in Yogyakarta and Central Java have not been evacuated and suffer from lack of feed.
Temporary losses estimation that has been calculated by the Regional Development Office (Bappeda) of Sleman district as of 14 November 2010 due to eruption of Mount Merapi amounts to 3.385 ...
Character education is now indeed the main issue of education.
Fitri mentioned that this activity aims to revive the spirit and make them creative.
Bulaksumur (KU) – As one of concerns for survivors of Mount Merapi eruptions, Official Corps of Staff from Universitas Gadjah Mada (Korpagama) slaughtered one cow to be distributed fo...
BULAKSUMUR (KU) – To build student’s awareness about the environment, Geography Study Club (GSC), Faculty of Geography UGM has hosted GESTURE (Geography Student Creativity Week) tha...
BULAKSUMUR (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will prepare temporary houses for survivors of the eruptions of Mt.
MAGELANG- Technical service post of Civil Engineering Department (Posyanis-KMTS), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is giving services and conducting programs for Internally Displaced Persons a...
BULAKSUMUR (KU) – Disaster Response Unit (DERU) continues to send humanitarian aid to IDPs affected by the eruptions of Mt.
Most of the displaced people of the eruption of Mount Merapi do not experience psychological problems because they have adjusment ability to environmental changes.
YOGYAKARTA-Problems that emerged during the eruption of Mount Merapi on October 26, 2010 were not only logistics and IDP camps but also abandoned cattles.
Rector UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., led a coordination meeting with 11 state and private universities in Yogyakarta to discus the handling of eruptions of Mt.