News Report
UGM Faculty of Geography plans to develop schools based on disaster mitigation and environmental management for high schools and equal level schools.
A total of 86 high schools participate in the National Geography Olympiad held by Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. An Indonesian international school in Malaysia ...
UGM received a visit made by delegations from Kyushu University and Ritsumeikan University.
Faculty of Geography UGM again will hold the National Olympiad for High School Students 2011.
To provide support and an injection of spirit in services and volunteering, Student Association of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and Anand Krishna Center Joglosemar held a dial...
Cold lava floods that hit several rivers in Yogyakarta and Magelang, Central Java, resulted in quite immense economic losses.
YOGYAKARTA – Prof. Dr.rer.soc. R. Agus Sartono, MBA, who is currently the Deputy Head of Education and Religious Affairs, office of Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare, F...
Yogyakarta- Due to price increase of domestic and world’s food, the Government has made exemption of import duty policy for 57 tariff posts of food commodity, cattle feed and fertilizer f...
Thursday (27/1), UGM Faculty of Engineering together with Forum Pemerti Code and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched a map of 1000 Ideas for Code River.
YOGYAKARTA- On Thursday (27/1) a total of six participants from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of UGM participated in the contest of durable and fuel efficient vehicle in the cour...
YOGYAKARTA – Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Chairil Anwar, said the readiness to replace the losses caused by the appearance of a crop circle in Berbah, ...
Dr. Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, M.Si., a researcher at Environment and Disaster Mitigation Clinic, Faculty of Geogrpahy UGM emphasized that morphological approach of pyroclastic material and la...
Dream of the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business to have a new building has come closer to reality.
Yogyakarta – UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., emphasized that in the 21st century, the center of culture and sciences in the world is Asia.
YOGYAKARTA – Recently, the community, especially in Yogyakarta, was surprised by the discovery of crop circle in the Gunung Suru rice field, Jogotirto area, Sleman.
Orchid was chosen as their research object because environmental degradation which happens continuously can disrupt its growth.
A lucky person is a grateful one. A grateful person will be able to enjoy his life well.
YOGYAKARTA – Funds allocation for cattle replacement due to Merapi eruption is distributed by the Government through the Agriculture Ministry, reaching up to Rp35.9 billion for 4007 cattl...
On 24 January 2011, Professor of UGM, Prof. Dr. Siti Chamamah Soeratno has her 70th birthday.
Yogyakarta – The young generation holds important control in every journey of Indonesia’s national history.
Korean Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences and Center for Korean Studies UGM will hold Korean Day 2011 from 23-25 January 2011 at UGM Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center.
YOGYAKARTA – UGM Department of History Faculty of Cultural Sciences will hold the 60th anniversary commemoration event.
YOGYAKARTA – A total of 58 students from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, along with dozens of students of UGM Architecture and Geography, conducted field studies on the model o...
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D, at his office received a visit made by In Suk Hamm, M.D., Ph.D, President of Kyungpook National University, Korea, Thursday (20/1).
Yoyakarta- Jogja Heritage Society proposed that regions which have been destroyed due to Merapi eruption made as Merapi education park.
YOGYAKARTA – Inconsistency of Pancasila implementation is increasingly found nowadays. Globalization and centralization also encourage these inconsistencies.
UGM closes in-house test of new student admission. The new student admission will now be held following the pattern of State Universities’ National Entrance Exams (SNMPTN).
The conversion of kerosene to the LPG gas policy which has been recently imposed by the government took effect for the lower classes of society, including tobacco farmers and fishermen in W...
UGM Library successfully established a very prideful service. The statistics data record that the users of e-journal databases from Ebscohost at the UGM Library are the highest among 2800 u...
Indonesia should start to encourage energy efficiency in all sectors.