News Report
Faculty of Geography of UGM continues to intensify research collaboration with various universities from different countries sustainably to achieve the international level research faculty.
A total of 87 robot teams from 11 universities from across Indonesia participated in the Roboline Follower Contest organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineeri...
Professor Emeritus of Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kasumbogo Untung, M.Sc., passed away at the age of 69 years.
Friday (23/7), 350 teams of 23rd National Student Sciences Week may take a breath for awhile.
As an effort to build an understanding of the role of the American Corner in Indonesia, the Annual Conference of American Corners Indonesia in 2010 has taken place for three days from 20 to...
Minister of National Education RI, Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Nuh, on Wednesday (21/7), officially opened the 23rd National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), that was held at the Mahasaraswati Univer...
UGM sends 34 teams to the 23rd National Student Scientific Week that was held at the Mahasaraswati University, Bali, from July 21 to 24.
Departing from the desire to share knowledge about forests, four students of Faculty of Forestry UGM initiatively conducted community service in the form of environmental education.
Gamatechno Smartcard, especially gtsmart ticketing, is quite to be the center of visitors’ attention at the UGM Research Week in Graha Sabha Pramana.
Center for Energy Studies of UGM in collaboration with the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Directorate General of Higher Education (DP2M DIKTI) in the Ministry of National ...
YOGYAKARTA-Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof Ir Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D, on Friday (16/7) opened Training of Trainers on UGM Values at the Multi Media Room.
His research on frictions influence on wood extension with bolts, the Japan Wood Resarch Society (JWRS) has granted Ali as one of two recipients of the JWRS Progress Award 2009 readmore.
f you frequently go to the beach, you will often find a variety of algaes attached to coral reefs.
Sweet potato is one of local foods of Indonesia, but consumption of this root vegetable is limited.
Almost for two weeks, the yard of UGM Student Hall turned into a graveyard.
YOGYAKARTA (KU) – PT. PLN will build a solar power station pilot project in five islands in eastern Indonesia, including the island of Bunaken, Wakatobi, Derawan, Banda and an island ...
In the framework of Research Week 2010, Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM)of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a workshop entitled Strengthening Higher Education Network ...
In the era of the 1970s, just about the UGM “Valley” or near the deer park, UGM had a meteorology station run by the Faculty of Agriculture.
Bakpia. Who is not familiar with this typical food of Jogja? This snack is indeed quite popular in this student city.
Once again, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) opened Research Week event, exhibiting latest research outcomes produced by lecturers, researchers and students.
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – PT. PLN as the only company that supplies the national electricity demand is running 10 thousand MW project to fulfill national electricity need.
For new industrial operators, it is not possible to directly operate a chemical plant.
Since 2006, based on the Rector Decree Number 89/P/SK/HT/2006, UGM Graduate School has experienced a new era in the management of S2 and S3 programs, which is marked by the separation of ...
Following the successful DREaM event in 2009, UGM, again, will hold the International Students Summer Program entitled DREaM 2010.
UGM Faculty of Philosophy held a grand reunion on Saturday, July 10, 2010.
Trie Utami, who was once a vocalist for Krakatau, a fusion jazz band which was very famous in the late 1980s will enliven the 25 Year Alumni Reunion of Faculty of Psychology UGM on Friday n...
JOGJAKARTA (KU) – The prevalence of gingivitis in the province of Yogyakarta Special Region is quite high.
YOGYAKARTA – As many as 1,500 melons of Gama Melon Basket (GMB) and Melodi Gama 1 types planted in The Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station of Universitas Gadjah Ma...
If we take a walk on the east side of the Faculty of Agriculture or around the UGM “Valley”, dozens of deer will be seen in the cage eating grass, while others are seen drinking and she...
YOGYAKARTA – Starting from Monday (5/7) UGM carried out trial of Vehicle Identity Card (KIK).