News Report
Rector received the Ambassador of Canada, who was visiting to pave the way for cooperation in education and research readmore .
Yogya (Ku)- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM held an Open People’s Market 2010 in the Faculty’s yard in Karang Malang, Sunday (30/5).
As many as 69 teaching and non-academic staff in Universitas Gadjah Mada received Decree of Appointment as Civil Servant Candidates.
Yogya (KU) – “Piye kabare Jogja?”, Dewi Sandra asked how the audience was doing after singing two songs accompanied by senior musician Idang Rasjidi on Thursday evening (27/5).
he visit was a follow-up to the cooperation of double degree program in UGM Faculty of Law readmore.
All night long, a wayang kulit performance entitled Kumbakarna Senopati, which was staged in the courtyard of UGM Hall readmore .
Talking about higher learning reforms, the good system is marked by qualified and relevant universities, equal access and increased society’s participation.
There are 700 titles of thematic researches that are a cooperation between Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and various institutions.
Tri Murniningsih, S.Pd. has been approved as Chairman of Dharma Wanita Women Association of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) period of 2009-2014.
Senior Vice Rector of Administrative, Finance, and Human Resources of UGM, Prof. Ainun Na’im, Ph.
All night long, a wayang kulit (shadow puppet) performance entitled Kumbakarna Senopati, which was staged in the courtyard of UGM Hall, Wednesday (19/5) night, came off lively.
The International Conference on Distributed Framework & Applications 2010 2-3 August 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia DFmA 2010 welcomes computer scientists, engineers, academicians, and pra...
The four young UGM alumni were Erwin Setiawan, Rezza Rahdian, Ayu Diah Shanti, and Leonardus Chrisnantyo.
Yogya (KU) – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) opened Healthy Food Outlet located in the west of the Inter-University Center Building (PAU).
Alexander Randy Angianto is one of the 1516 graduates who graduate today, Wednesday (19/5), in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
Director General of Non-formal Education, Ministry of National Education, Hamid Muhammad, Ph.D., says early childhood education was instrumental in the effort to prepare optimal child growt...
The aspiration to hold the UGM Jazz concert twice a year is getting closer to reality.
Yogya (KU) – To improve the quality of human resources, especially in the Faculty of Forestry, Tanoto Foundation and the Faculty of Forestry UGM signed a cooperation on the completion...
In improving quality of early childhood education in Indonesia, Faculty of Psychology UGM and Lingkar Pendidikan Inklusif organisation in cooperation with UNA will hold an international sem...
Nature and social systems are a complex study. There are numerous examples when the risks and uncertainties arise in a development planning.
Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center (CCRC), Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) along with several universities in Indonesia declared the establishment of the Indonesian Ca...
The high prevalences of accidents and diseases at work are a common problem and concern.
Senior Vice Rector for Education, Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr.
UGM and Korean University of Korea opened opportunities of cooperation for research collaboration in bio-technology in the form of exchange of lecturer and student readmore.
UGM is once again in mourning. Prof. Dr. Zanzawi Soejoeti, M.Sc., passed away Saturday (8/5), at the age of 73.
In facilitating registration process and expanding access, for the first time National Selection to State Universites (SNMPTN) is conducted online.
Photography is one of the medium that can be used to convey the message to the public.
Indonesia is a country that has plenty of orchid varieties.
emocracy is just a better system compared to other systems humans have ever attempted readmore.
Yogya (KU)- Vice-President Prof. Dr. Boediono emphasized that he is ready to be responsible for the case of Century Bank.