News Report
Can you imagine the Javanese traditional musical instrument gamelan being played together with the Korean traditional instrument samulnori? It is indeed hard to imagine, two different forms...
should not have been done. In his opinion, an oath taken in the name of God cannot be verified to know the intent of the person taking the oath.
To reflect on Indonesia’s experience in implementing health decentralization policy during 2000-2007, it was a sudden process.
 Human Rights are rights that should be universally acknowledged as the rights inherent in human in order that they appreciate and tolerate each other. In the past two decades, ...
To anticipate more outbreaks of hepatitis as the one that has hit UGM, about 60 street vendors followed the Training of Food Safety for Producers and Consumers on Campus Food Court, UGM.
The Association of Veterinary Medicine Faculties of eight Indonesian universities has urged the Government to appoint a Deputy Minister of Agriculture from among veterinarians.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., Monday (2 / 11), inaugurated Prof. Dr.
The Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (PUKAT) of Faculty of Law, UGM, rejected the Police’s move that had arrested deputy chiefs of Anti-Corruption Comission (KPK), Bibit and Ch...
Danone has once again launched the 7th business competition program "The Trust Challenge" for students in Indonesia.
UGM economist, Dr. Sri Adiningsih, criticized the plan to increase the salary of newly elected ministers.
Earthquake intensity in Indonesia keeps increasing. To reduce the number of victims following earthquakes, people should recheck their house construction, whether appropriate to endure the ...
                UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will initiate the establishment of Faculty of Veterinary in Laos and Cambodia through JI...
At least 32 thousand villages in Indonesia are still considered "blank spot" because they do not have telecommunications towers.
Assignments of some ministers in the United Indonesia Cabinet (KIB) has been based on political interests, which many considered as "not based on professionalism".
A concert of "World Peace Orchestra" (WPO) was just held at UGM to commemorate UGM’s 60th Anniversary.
           Responding to the delay in the ratification of the Halal Certification Bill by the House of Representatives (DPR), Professor of Pharmacy, Univer...
Natural disasters create a humanitarian tragedy, demolish the economy, and obstruct the development.
Suriname Ambassador to Indonesia, Mrs. Angelic Alihuzain del Castilho, said that she was very impressed by the Edu-Cultural International Festival, especially for Suriname students who are ...
Distance is no longer an obstacle in reaching science. This was proven by the holding of a video conference by the Faculty of Psychology, UGM, Thursday, October 15.
Resilience of the nation and communities against disasters can be built by promoting strategic and systematic approaches to reduce vulnerabilities and risks to hazards.
Indonesia is rich in intangible cultural heritage (ICH). Nusantara oral tradition as one of the manifestations of ICH is a product of culture associated with life and owner of life.
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR IN REPRODUCTION & OBSTETRIC, faculty of Veterinary MedicineUniversitas Gadjah Mada "The Role of Advanced Technology in Animal Reproduction and Science" D...
The Assessment Team of ASEAN University Network-Actual Quality Assessment (AUN-AQA) made an assessment of 3 study programs of UGM (Pharmaceutical Science, Medical Education, and Chemistry) ...
Universitas Gadjah Mada will host the activities of ASEAN University Network on Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) for four days from 12-16 October, 2009.
For the first time, the Faculty of Medicine, UGM, sent 88 doctors to participate in an internship program in several community health centers and hospitals located in eight regencies in Yog...
Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, UGM, Prof. Ir. Triwibowo Yuwono, assessed the need to change the mindset for the betterment of agricultural sector as the government has not shown enough att...
The research result of Earthquake and Landslide Study Team from Geological Engineering of UGM recommended creating the mapping of potential earthquake and landslide hazard zone in W...
Disaster Early Response Unit (DERU) of UGM has made various efforts in helping the post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction of West Sumatra.
UGM used to hold Gadjah Mada Fair (Gama Fair). This activity was usually held to commemorate the anniversary of UGM.
For the umpteenth time, Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation has given scholarships to 16 students of UGM.