Research and Innovation
Yogyakarta – Balinese Cow (bos javanicus) is Indonesian germ plasm with good reproduction characters subsequently easily developed and deployed to various places as a potential livest...
You certainly have seen kleci potatoes. The thumbed black-skinned potato is found in many traditional markets.
People are appealed to continue to be aware of dengue fever.
SLEMAN (KU) – An infusion bottle complemented with a hose was brought by Purwanta (67) from his house.
YOGYAKARTA- Permission for foreign researchers to conduct research in Indonesia is still considered complicated, no standardization, and takes a long time.
YOGYAKARTA (KU) – Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UGM promotes various products of superior research results in the exhibition entitled the 12th National Exhibitio...
Commemorating its 61st Anniversary, UGM again holds a research expo.
The cooperation between the Center for Energy Studies UGM and the Energy Security Division of Foreign Affairs Ministry became one of the important issues in the Asia Pacific region.
Students of Archaeology Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM found a number of artifacts at Dieng temple complex located between Banjarnegara and Wonosobo in Central Java.
As a form of cooperation with the Embassy of Norway, Department of Political Sciences and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM held a comparative research activities ...
Yogya (KU) – Tannin contained in lamtoro plants (Leucaena leucocephala) is not only capable of restraining the growth of methane gas (CH4) emissions released by the livestocks to the ...
Faculty of Medicine UGM launched NPC test strip, which is a rapid detection method to help diagnose nasopharynx cancer (NPC).
Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KP4 UGM) continues to make innovations in technology.
Gadingsari Village in Sanden sub-district, Bantul Regency, is a rice producing village.
Indonesia and the Philippines send their migrant workers to many countries in the world.
As an institution that deals with agricultural education, research and development, Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KP4 UGM)Â has star...
Indonesian Minister of Health, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, hoped that reaserchers would develop research directed to independence of medicine and vaccine.
The Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station is developing biogas electrical power that is produced from anaerobic fermentation of cow droppings in a closed digester.
The Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KP4 UGM) is one of the supporting units of the University which provides services to UGM’s aca...
Up to this moment, there is no ideal model of measurement for the implementation of democratic economy at the local level (village).
Do not underestimate eggs. Eggs are very important for school-children.
Public Lecture President of the Republic of Indonesia, food sovereignty and Energy Sovereignty.
Mahasiswa Baru UGM siap Menghadapi MEA.
The researcher team from Agricultural Technology of UGM along with hundreds of farmers from 4 regencies in Yogyakarta developed a new technique in farming that can save water, seeds and fer...
A research team from Animal Science Faculty of UGM is now developing milk tablet, an alternative to overcome the malnutrition in kids.