At least 100 experts from around the world attended the 3rd International Conference on Nusantara Philoshopy at University Club of Universitas Gadjah Mada from 10-11 November 2015. Participants come from Aljazair, Belgium, and Malaysia, to discuss research outcomes on knowledge and cultural heritage from Indonesian local wisdom.
Dean of Faculty of Philosophy UGM, Dr. M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, M.Hum., said the conference would discuss the basics of knowledge among Indonesian tradition, for instance the working together spirit (gotong-royong) that serves as the basis for knowledge development that can give solutions to national problems. What happened was that this tradition has diminished due to globalisation.
“Facing this globalisation era, let’s not lose our tradition, so, it is important to develop the knowledge that still maintains its Indonesian characteristics,” he said on Tuesday (10/11) on the sidelines of the conference.
According to Mukhtasar, globalisation has caused disorientation in the development of knowledge in Indonesia, they oriented more towards Western values and tradition.
“This has concerned us because knowledge has gone so pragmatic,” he said.
Such condition has made knowledge unable to help resolve state problems optimally. It serves only as an instrument to resolve short termed problems while ignoring sustainability as there is no strong basis that takes sides with the people.
Thus, in this conference, he is trying to introduce philosophy science as basic framework for the development of knowledge in Indonesia with Pancasila as orientation.
“Faculty of Philosophy has the commitment to contribute to knowledge development at UGM based on national values,” he said.
Conference committee member, Abdul Rokhmat Sairah, M.Phil., said during the conference as many as 69 papers would be presented related to Nusantara philosophy. Resource persons to attend include Rudy Corens, Anak Kong Tangga museum curator, Prof. Mat Rofa Ismail from Petra Malaya University, and Dr. Abdelaziz Abacci from Islamic College.