Spatial information technology uses, which includes remote sensing and Geoinformation system in the extraction of thematic spatial information, handling of environment problem, area development, and provision of other spatial data, are getting more intensive and spreading to other areas. This trend is positive due to popularity and geospatial significance is increasing, while on the other hand, the different understanding of data quality and processing among different background smay trigger mistakes in decision making.
That is why Geoinformation Science Symposium IV event is hosted, themed Enhancement of the Role of Geographic Information in Supporting the Handling of National Strategy Issues , in order that activists in geospatial information, researchers, practitioners, lecturers and students can share experiences and insight in improving the geospatial data quality in their own field,” said Symposium chairman, Drs. Projo Danoedoro, M.Sc., Ph.D, at the Auditorium of Faculty of Geography UGM on Wednesday (25/11).
Projo explained the symposium was held in order to enrich scientific forums in mapping surveys, especially cartograpy, remote sensing and geoinformation in the national scope. Publications are expected to improve, too.
“Especially in remote sensing, SIG and cartography. We think this forum can increase the public understanding on the presence of PUSPICS as excellent institution that gives remote sensing training for society,” he said.
There are 120 abstracts coming to the symposium, with 84 papers selected for presentation while 21 others for posters. The best paper will be awarded the Sutanto Award, best presentation the Kardono Darmoyuwono Award and best poster PUSPICS Award.
Dean of Faculty Geography UGM, Prof. Dr. R. Rijanta, M.Sc., welcomed the symposium, acknowledging that geoinformation system applications have touched all areas of life and many have benefitted from the use of gadget containing geoinformation.