The Halal label certification on food and beverages, medication, and cosmetics is very important and needed by consumers or producers to make sure the products they use or they produce are halal and suit to Islamic law standard. But, many of producers have not made it certain whether their products are halal or not.
Lecturer from Sharia and Islamic Economy Faculty at IAIN Mataram, Teti Indrawati, SH., M. Hum., said that many cases related to halal products – such as the Ajinomoto issue and meningitis vaccine -in some areas in Indonesia have disadvantaged the producers,
“Because the interest of consumers and producers must be protected by clear policies on that matter,” she said on Monday (11/30).
While defending her dissertation titled “Consumer’s Protection Forms in Halal Product Assurance in Indonesia”, Teti mentioned that the government merely attempts to develop the protection of conducting Halal product assurance to fulfill consumers’ and businessmen’s demand of production, trade and consumption in Indonesia, as well as international trade.
She offers a formula for consumers protection in conducting halal products assurance in Indonesia through: regulation of Shariah Maqashid principal, honesty principal, and absolute principal in implementing the assurance system of halal products.