International recognition is, again, achieved by faculty member of UGM, Singgih Wijayana Ph.D, lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business. Singgih earned Quality Paper Award in a conference held by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and Taiwan Accounting Association (TAA) collaborating with International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER) in Tainan, Taiwan, from December 2-4th 2015. This conference is a prestigious academic forum in East Asia.
There are a number of speakers in the conference from United States of America, Australia, Japan, Romania, Singapore, Austria, Brazil, Malaysia, Korea, Poland, and China.
Singgih presented three papers on that occasion. According to Singgih, his article titled “Efficient or Opportunistic: Firm Efficiency and Earnings Quality of Cross-Listed Firms” that earned Quality Paper Award was the result of his long analysis since 2012. In this paper, he related the efficiency and opportunistic multi-national company manager to the quality of finance information.
“I’m so thankful for this recognition, I hope by achieving this award I could make Indonesia, especially Accounting Department, proud of me,” he said in a press conference, Tuesday (12/08).
This award adds to the remaining award he earned from The Southern African Accounting Association (SAAA) 2015 Biennal Conference last July. Currently, Singgih is doing Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange from Higher Learning Directorate General to University of Sidney, Australia, until January 2016. Singgih, also member of Accounting Standards Committee, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (Indonesian Accountants Association) (DSAK IAI), and Deloitte Scholar was also thankful for this award.
Responding to his partner’s achievement, the Head of Accounting Department, Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D., expressed his pride.