It is suggested for companies to pay attention to external and internal control locus of staff as it will help understand why staff would make certain behaviours. The control locus is important in evaluating job seekers during recruitment and selection.
Such things were said by Siti Djamilah, SE., M.Si, in her defense during open doctoral examination of economics at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on Wednesday (17/12). The lecturer from Wijaya Kusuma University in Surabaya was accompanied by promotors team: Prof. Dr. Djamaludin Ancok, Dr. T. Hani Handoko, MBA and Dr. BM. Purwanto, MBA defending her dissertation titled “Development and Validation of Islamic Work Ethics Benchmark and Testing in Relations Model between Islamic Work Ethics and Antecedent and Consequence of ORganisational Citizenship Behaviour”.
According to Siti Djamilah, the company that companies accepted job seekers that have high control locus (internal control locus) will produce Islamic work ethics that is also high. Companies can increase the Islamic work ethics by giving training in how managing their salaries. Training in emotional spiritual quotient (ESQ) on the right mindset on money and wealth, seminar in motivation on achievement goals, and self-motivation.
“Companies need to give a challenging training for its workers, so they feel they are identified with their work and they will have high work centrality,” said Siti.
Of this research Siti Djamilah suggested that future researches need to consider antecedent variables and consequence of other Islamic work ethics, examples of work involvement, religiosity, work satisfaction and organisational commitment. They also need longitudinal study to know the stability of Islamic work ethics of the Muslim workers.