Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI), Harjono, S.H, M.H, successfully holds a doctorate degree in philosophy after defending his dissertation in open doctoral examination at the Faculty of Philosophy, Wednesday (6/1). His dissertation, entitled Holistic Ecology Paradigm of Fritjof Capra in the perspective of the Philosophy of Law: Its Relevance to Law Development in Indonesia, Hardjono said that the State Constitution (UUD 1945) already had four amendments so that these become further away from the ideals of the proclamation of August 17, 1945 and do not fit philosophical principle of Pancasila that was born on June 1, 1945 and even irrelevant to the social conditions of the people of Indonesia. “In fact, there is no relevance to the holistic ecology paradigm of Fritjof Capra in the context of the philosophy of law,” he said.
According to Hardjono, holistic ecology paradigm of Fritjof Capra is based on relative ontology, holistic integrative epistemology, and value axiology. There is a relevance between law of holistic ecological philosophy Fritjof Capra in the development of legal science, there is a scientific relationship on establishing the truth of science that is based on morality for the benefit of mankind, the universe and its contents which are the creation of God Almighty.
While in the term of legal positivism, the State Constitution 1945 has been experiencing changes and replacement of 300% of its dictum chapters. In fact, in terms of Indonesian philosophy, it does not merely follow the rechstaat or Civil Law System, but it uses mixed laws. “With a mix of civil law system and common law system or rule of law which is strongly characterized by liberal capitalistic which is a genre of positivism that has metamorphosed into legal positivism,” he said.