Studying the TCF7/L2 gene polymorphism and FTO gene as well as their implications on Diabetes Melitus (DM) type 2 obese in Javanese ethnic group in Indonesia, dr. Pugud Samodro, SpPD, has earned a doctorate from Faculty of Medicine UGM. The lecturer from General Soedirman University in Purwokerto, Central Java, has passed his open doctoral exam at the Auditorium of the Faculty on Friday (8/1) after defending his dissertation titled Gene Polymorphism of Transcription Factor 7-Like 2 (TCF7/L2) and Fat Mass and Obesity Associated (FTO) and Clinical Implications on Patients of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Obese.
Pugud Samodra revealed that the number of patients of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) especially type 2 around the world has increased from year to year. Meanwhile, the pathogen of the disease has not even fully known.
According to Pugud, at least there were three important factors in the pathogen of DM type 2, individual or genetical ethnicity factor that causes DM, the factor of beta pancreas cell function damage, and insulin resistance factor. Knowledge in genetical factor is, therefore, expected to be able to predict, prevent, and treat DM type 2 individually.
“Transcription Factor 7-like 2 (TCF7/L2) Gene and Fat Mass and Obesity-associated (FTO) are genes that correspond to obesity and the risk of DM type 2,” said Pugud Samodra, accompanied by his promoter, Prof. dr. Ahmad Husain Asdie, SpPD-KEMD, and co-promoter, Dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D.
Adopting observative analysis that uses control case approach to 100 patients of DM type 2 and 100 subjects of non-DM obese in the Margono Soekarjo Hospital, the research of Pugud Samodra concluded that the frequency of TCF7/L2 gene polymorphism in the subjects of DM type 2 obese is lower than the subject of non- DM obese of Javanese ethnic group. The FTO gene polymorphism frequency in subject of DM type 2 obese is higher than the subject of non-DM obese of Javanese ethnic group.