Alumni Association of Faculty of Biology UGM (KABIOGAMA) who reside abroad have developed a mentoring programme for graduate scholarships. It is targeted at alumni of S1/S2 programmes who want to further their S2/S3 education at excellent world universities.
Programme coordinator, Dwi Andi Listiawan, who is undertaking his doctoral programme at the University of Tokyo, said one of the goals of the programme was to enhance alumni network and optimise the alumni role to give back to UGM. It has started since 2015. Mentors are the alumni of undergraduate and master programmes of the Faculty that already earned scholarships from excellent world universities in bioscience and technology, such as Yale University, University of California Los Angeles, The University of Tokyo, NAIST, Osaka University, The University of Melbourne, The University of Western Australia, and Wageningen University, University of Groningen, Technical University Berlin, Newcastle University, The University of Edinburgh, Korea University, as well as Chulalongkorn University. Further info can be seen at www.facebook.com/biologiugm.
“Up to now there are tens of alumni in 25 top universities alredy joining this programme,” he said in a release sent out on Tuesday (26/1).
“Currently, several alumni are being processed to get a scholarship from other universities,” said Andi.
Fauziah Rochman, mentor who graduated from Yale University, expressed his readiness to help junior alumni to get the scholarships from the U.S. and Canada through internal scholarships, such as TAship, Fulbright, dan LPDP. Fauziah said presently the government through the LPDP offered opportunities for excellent graduates to be able to further their studies at world universities, thus opening more opportunities for getting a scholarship.
Imam Fathoni, one alumni who passed INPEX Foundation Scholarship to Hokkaido University, also Mentor Mukhlis Jamal Musa Holle expressed their excitement over the programme that makes it easy for alumni to prepare for the tight selection of the INPEX Foundation scholarship.
“Annually, INPEX Foundation only receives 3 scholarship recipients from around Indonesia. I’m happy to be able to get a mentoring that advises me on tips for the selection,which finally sent me to Hokkaido under full scholarship,” he said.