PT. BPR UGM officially opens its payment point office in the Main Building of UGM, Friday (5/2). The opening of the new office in the east side of the Main Building is marked symbolically by rice cone and ribbon cutting by Director of PT. BPR UGM, Sri Wulandari S.Sos., and the Vice-Rector of Planning, Finance and Information System, Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., Akt., M.Com. Present at the event are the Vice-Rector of Human Resource and Asset, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Santoso Wignyosukarto, Dip.HE.
Prof. Budi said that the present of the payment point can give greater good for UGM and its academic community. Therefore, he recommends the students and the faculty members of UGM to actively use the available Bank service.
“We congratulate BPR UGM for opening its payment point in UGM. I hope it could be used actively,” he said.
He also wished BPR UGM to help providing closer bank service and to help UGM events.
“Some of UGM events need supports from banks, therefore, the present of BPR and other banks are expected to reveal all UGM’s potential,” he added.
Meanwhile, Sri Wulandari said that the payment point office that is close to the main building of UGM is a form of Bank Extension.
“BPR UGM is one of UGM business units. We hope by the present of the payment point, we could strengthen the ties already in place,” she concluded.