Commemorating its fourth anniversary and welcoming its grand opening, UGM Academic Hospital held a free bone density examination for pre-menopausal women on Saturday (20/2). This type of examination is one of five levels of prevention of osteoporosis, which include early diagnosis and quick and accurate treatment efforts. The event was participated by 153 people and is a record-breaking of Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as the highest number of bone density examination in a day.
Participants consist of women who are from the Trihanggo village, UGM academicians, civitas hospitalia of UGM Academic Hospital as well as the general public. This activity is more focused on pre-menopausal women because at the age between 40-45 years, they have a greater risk factor for osteoporosis.
“The risk factor is greater in women, particularly with regard to the age of menopause when estrogen levels decrease so that the process of bone formation and calcium absorption is inhibited. In addition, other risk factors include race, heredity, lifestyle, consumption of certain drugs, as well as the stature of the body,” said Head of Radiology of the Academic Hospital, dr. Maya Buwana Sari Asdie, Sp.Rad., who is also coordinator of event.
Inspection is done using Mass Bone Densitometry (BMD), which is one of the featured instruments of UGM Academic Hospital. BMD is a tool used to assess bone strength and diagnose diseases associated with low bone density (osteoporosis). “This tool uses radiation with a very low level, thus minimizing side effects for the participants of the examination,” she added.
BMD produces images that show the density or porous bone. The analysis will be based on the values that have been determined with patient data such as date of birth or weight and height as a parameter to determine whether the person has osteoporosis.
“For women on the age of menopause, osteoporosis is difficult to avoid. However, for pre- menopausal women, osteoporosis could be prevented. Therefore, these tests are needed to do early diagnose so that the treatment can be done, for example by increasing the intake of foods containing Vitamin D3 and change of lifestyle,” said Director of the Hospital, Prof. dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad (K)., DHSM.
This activity, he said, is done as a form of concern to the community of Academic Hospital. He added, in the last year, the UGM Academic Hospital had increased number of patients for over a hundred percent; many residents use the facilities of the BPJS Health insurance. “We are also working with BPJS agency, Regional Health Insurance in all districts/municipality in Yogyakarta province, as well as various institutions in an effort to provide health care for many people,” he added.