Faculty of Medicine is not an “ivory tower” that is just beautiful to look at, but is a “water tower”, which channels “water” of knowledge to the entire country.
As the first President Soekarno said “Gadjah Mada adalah mata airmu, Gadjah Mada adalah sumber airmu, tinggalkanlah kelak Gadjah Mada ini bukan untuk mati tergenang dalam rawanya ketiadaan amalan atau rawanya kemuktian diri sendiri. Tetapi mengalirlah ke laut, tujulah ke laut, lautnya pengabdian kepada negara dan tanah air, yang berirama, bergelombang, bergelora”. (Gadjah Mada is your spring, Gadjah Mada is the source of your water, leave Gadjah Mada later not to die in vain but to flow into the sea, sea of devotion to country and homeland, the rhythmic, undulating, raging devotion)
“With the philosophy of the Water Tower, the Faculty of Medicine pioneered and developed the Channel of Knowledge and Information,” said Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. dr. Teguh Aryandono, Spb(K)Onk, in Ghra Sabha Pramana auditorium of UGM, Saturday (5/3), during the peak celebration of the 70th anniversary of Faculty of Medicine.
As a faculty which develops Channel of Knowledge and Information, Teguh Aryandono emphasized that with this program the Faculty was sharing knowledge to the entire country. With this program the Faculty provides 16 menus and 16 websites.
As dean, Teguh Aryandono hopes Faculty of Medicine in the future will have many topics to offer. By offering various topics will help expanding access to potential participants for graduate programs coming from disadvantaged areas, the outermost and foremost.
“We are strengthening the research and publications atmosphere through training and workshops,” he said.
At the age of 70, the Faculty as an institution of education, research and community service continues to develop the organization’s performance through continuous improvement and innovation. The goal is creating graduates who are ready to serve the best to the nation. In science, the Faculty supports three major interrelated scientific fields, which are the science of medicine, nursing and public health sciences and health nutrition sciences.
“These three disciplines are mutually integrated one another in an effort to establish graduates of the Faculty who are able to collaborate across professions,” said Teguh Aryandono.
Academic Health System (AHS)
Meanwhile, Director General of Science and Technology Resources and Higher Education in the Ministry of Technology, Research and Higher Education, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., on his scientific speech stated that various complex health problems involve various stakeholders so that every party needs concrete examples of concepts and applications of “Academic Health System (AHS)”. According to Ali Ghufron, synergies between stakeholders who are members of the AHS provide many benefits.
These benefits include supporting the universities or higher education institutions that apply AHS to be able to organize the medical and health learning process that is professional, world-class level, supported by translational transdisciplinary research “from bench to bedside”. The concept put teachers and other educators where they have a high retention power and adequate welfare with working hours that are more supportive to health.
Described by Ali Ghufron, AHS is an organizing system of health care, education and research in a network of hospitals, Faculty of Medicine and health courses, including integrated health professions, working together and are committed to improve the quality of evidence-based health care, education through qualified and professional health personnel and placement.
“Variations in the implementation of the AHS concept are very wide. All kinds of variations of this concept involve at least three main components which are education, research and health services as well as service to the community,” he explained.
Ali Ghufron added, Indonesia has made fundamental and systemic changes to the health care system. At the very least, the change of the financing aspects that emphasizes the demand side to achieve UHC (Universal Health Coverage) or thorough coverage.
Similarly, aspects of promotion, prevention and public awareness about the health and behavior are still limited. Even so, changes on the availability of infrastructure and human resources and health professionals are still not optimal.
“Accelerating the improvement of supply side can certainly be pursued through synergy of Academic Health System. Synergies of AHC will provide the optimum benefit for all key stakeholders, which are central government, the Ministry of Technology, Research and Higher Education, Ministry of Health, and local governments, educational institutions and health care institutions and communities,” said Ali Ghufron.