Universitas Gadjah Mada has done a community service program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) by facilitating Festival Kampoeng 2016. That is held at the kampong of Nyutran V Taman Siswa Yogyakarta from 19-20 March 2016. It was opened by Vice-Rector for Research and Community Service of UGM, Prof. Dr. Suratman.
“Festival Kampoeng is a form of synergy of 4K (Kampus, Kampung, Kraton, Kaprajan or Campus, Kampong, Palace, State) to establish a kampoeng with 6 identities, namely: Green Kampong, Clean Kampong, Smart Kampong, Healthy Kampong, Disaster-Response Kampong, Safe Kampong,” said Prof. Suratman.
Event chairman, Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus, said that Festival Kampoeng 2016 was a real form of UGM entity as ‘water tower’ that channels knowledge and technology to society development to the utmost. The society initation is facilitated by UGM to maintain and preserve its own cultures to become ones that are working in harmony with globalisation.
“This is one of real efforts to preserve the culture of our ancestors,” said Cahyono. According to Prof. Cahyono this event was to empower society to be partners’ initiator, conceptor, inspirator, motivator, and facilitator for other society groups so that they can arise, work together, and collaborate in forming the specialty of Yogyakarta independently.
Events held at Nyutran Budaya Jalan Taman Siswa to mark this occassion are: art and cultural performance, exhibition, bazaar, exhibition, dialogue, and community service.