Tuberculosis (TB) is still a serious health problem for society. WHO data in 2014 showed there were 9.6 millions of patients with 1.5 millions were fatal. In Indonesia, 10 – 30 in 1000 people are infected with TB every year.
“The number of people infected with TB in Indonesia is high, ranking Indonesia fourth in the world,” said expert in clinical microbiology at Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr. Titi Nuryastuti, M.Si., Ph.D., Sp.MK., on Wednesday (23/3).
She said that TB was a communicable disease that is the second cause for death after HIV/AIDS. TB eradication efforts, therefore, have to be made to minimise the number of infection cases.
“The number of TB patients in Indonesia is increasing along with those of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and other immune system-related diseases,” she said during the World TB day on 24 March.
The microbiology lab of UGM recorded that between 2013-2014 there were 51 patients in Sleman regency, Yogyakarta 42, Bantul 37, Kulon Progo 22, and Gunungkidul 18.
Prevention can be done by healthy lifestyle and good hygiene. TB is caused by Mycobacterium Tubercolosa. Patients may have long term coughs, pain on chest and weight reduction. But TB is a preventable and curable disease. Patients need to have regular medication for about 6-8 months until recovery.
Titik mentioned the importance of public awareness on supporting the country that is free from TB. Eradication can be done starting from family that supports the patients until recovery by regular medication, while people with high risk of TB should have an observation to know their health status.