Defending dissertation titled the Text of Murwakala Play during Ruwatan Ritual in Nganjuk in the Version of Ki Suprapto, HS: Transcription, Structure and Meaning, humanities lecturer from UIN-Maliki in Malang East Java, Dra. Siti Masitoh, M.Hum., earned a doctorate at UGM. In the examination at Multimedia room of R.M. Margono Djojohadikusumo building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM on Thursday (31/3), Siti Masitoh was accompanied by promoter, Prof. Dr. Marsono, S.U, and co-promoter, Dr. Pujiharto, M.Hum.
In her dissertation, Siti Masitoh had the view that the structure of Murwakala text in the version of Ki Suprapto, HS during ruwatan of sukerta and sengkala rituals showed a flashback. The text gives understanding that not all humans are born perfect, some are considered flawed, so they will meet with threats in their life, becoming the feed of Bathara Kala deity.
“As such, the improper condition can be resolved through a ruwatan ritual. Ruwatan is an attempt to ask for God to be freed from danger with the puppet player as the mediator,” said Siti.
Siti said the text showed a syllogism that the world contains a reality that shows contradiction or binary opposition: threatening >< threatened, unwise >< wise, weak>< strong, bad >< good and evil ><good, and eventually evil can be overcome by wisdom.
Siti explained the safety suggestion for sukerta people (ones considered spiritually flawed) who have gone under a ruwatan is to make sure that they have done so, already freed from the threat of Bathara Kala deity as their misfortunes have been eliminated. The Bathara Kala who has also undergone a ruwatan is stopped to make threats.
“So, there is no more things posing threats to sukerta people, no more position of being threatened and threatening. The concept of the source of all things, an effort to see themselves by questioning where they come from and what their meaning in life is. The concept can be presented through the journey of Bathara Kala,” said Siti Masitoh.
Siti Masitoh concluded that structure and meaning of Murwakala text in the version of Ki Suprapto, HS, is different from other versions. This shows the idiosyncrasy of Ki Suprapto, HS who is a master of ruwatan ritual in Sawahan village in Nganjuk East Java.
“This finding strengthens the opinion of Jonathan Culler, saying that the meaning of literary works is determined by their readers. In this case, Ki Suprapto, HS as a narator and meaning of the text is not single. This finding also contributes to the literature and culture,” said Siti.