UGM Vice-Rector for Human Resource and Assetts, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Santoso Wignyosukarto, Dip.H.E., said since the start, UGM had the commitment to struggle for the disbursement of performance allowance for civil servants who are non-teaching staff. According to Budi Santoso, UGM since the start had not been classified as a state university that had to be granted performance allowance funding because since the issuance of Law No. 12 Year 2012, UGM was launched as state legal entity.
“However, UGM is still trying to have that non-teaching staff receive such allowance as the UGM status is in a transition from public service state university to state legal entity. The state legal entity is official if all suporting processes have been completed, for instance if assets separation process except land has been done. In fact, the assets separation process was only established in March 2016 although into arrears to January 2015,” said Budi Santoso on Monday (18/4).
Eventually afterwards, UGM obtained the first batch performance allowance for period July-December 2013. The second batch for period January-July 2014 was attempted with disbursement out in 2015 subject to position category adjustments and deduction based on incentives given by UGM.
Budi said for the second semester of 2014 disbursement, UGM had tried to send a letter to Secretary General of Higher Learning in Education and Culture Ministry, Minister for Research, Technology and Higher Learning as well as Minister for Finance, but this has not brought a result so far.
“This effort has not yet been able to make the disbursement out for the second semester,” he said.
He explained the performance allowance is regulated in the regulation No.88 Year 2013. Article 2 says “To staff who have certain positions at the Education and Culture Ministry, apart from salaries based on existing regulations, performance allowance is given monthly”.
So, the performance allowance is an allowance outside the main salary that is given by government with state budget to non-teaching staff. Before the allowance, UGM staff have been given allowances and incentives either from university or faculty.
Performance allowance is given based on civil servant’s position category as well as good attendance. Allowance is also given to UGM staff based on work load of performance.
“While if enacting the performance allowance, all staff with same category will recieve equal allowance, although their work load may differ,” said Budi Santoso.
On the demonstration by non-teaching staff, Budi said UGM as an education institution always implements amicable agreement without breaching rules and disciplines. UGM leadership will not make a decision that violates regulations and decisions due to “pressures” that tend to provoke and spin data and facts.
“As an education institution, UGM has to give a good education example including non-teaching staff in raising their opinion. As part of efforts to educate and make revolution on the mentality of all UGM academic community, all acts that violate rules, moreover terror and slander the UGM institution, have to be firmly sanctioned,” he said.