This year, UGM received 2,629 prospective students for Undergraduate Program (827 men and 1,802 women) through National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN). They are divided into two cluster groups which are Social Sciences, 780 students, and Natural Sciences, 1,849 students.
“Total applicants to UGM this year reached 44,381 and enrolled as many as 2,629 people,” Head of Public Relations and Protocol Office, Dr. Iva Ariani, S.S., M. Hum., said on Friday (13/5).
Iva said that the most favorited study programs in the Social Sciences cluster are Accounting (3,234 people), Management (3,107 people), and Psychology (3,076 people). Meanwhile, in the field of Natural Sciences, study programs with the highest interest are Pharmacy (2,053 people), Civil Engineering (2,043 people) and Medical Education(2030 people).
“For Social Sciences, Accounting is a favourite while Natural Sciences is still Pharmacy,” Iva explained.
On the other hand, study programs with highest competitiveness are Tourism (2:45%), International Relations (2.92%), and Management (3.00%) in the Social Sciences category. While in the Natural Sciences category are Information Technology (4:34%), Medical Education (4:38%) and Pharmacy(4.92%).
Related to the admissions process, UGM opens the widest access for prospective students who come from economically disadvantaged families. This is proven by the number of enrolled students whose parents earn less than IDR1 million continuing to grow each year. As an illustration, in 2013 the number of enrolled students with UKT 1 (parental incomes below 1 million) totaled 544, rising to 567 students in 2014 and 689 students in 2015.
“It means, UGM is a source of hope for economically disadvantaged communities to break the chains of poverty and at the same time to raise the dignity of families through high quality education,” Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Senawi, said.
Senawi added that UGM as a populist university is always open for high achievers. UGM has many sources of scholarships for students who come from financially disadvantaged families. In 2015, UGM has 136 types of scholarships with a total funding of Rp194,001,904,000.
“Total recipients are 10,765 students from vocational to doctoral degrees,” he added.
Scholarships are varied, such as tuition assistance, scholarships, living expenses, and scholarships for outstanding students. According to Senawi, UGM cares about students from low income family but having a high achievement. This comes in many forms, including scholarships from various partners to sustain their financial needs.
“There are scholarships managed by the Directorate of Student Affairs, some are coming from alumni and other institutions that are managed by the faculty. UGM continues to improve the cooperation for the sustainability of this scholarship program,” he said. The efforts to find sources of scholarships will be continuously improved due to limited scholarship provided by the government.
For enrolled students, UGM has also provided the certain amount of Single Tuition (UKT). Finance Director, Drs. Haryono, M.Com., Akt., confirmed that in 2016 there is no increase in the Single Tuition at UGM. University leaders have also informed students of this matter at a dialogue on April 29.
This step is a breakthrough made by UGM since each year UKT has always been determined at the end of SBMPTN registration after Government’s announcement for Course Single Expenses (BKT). UGM decided not to raise UKT although there is a risk that the government may set higher tuition than UGM’s.
“UGM also does not impose an entrance fee for students who entered through independent selection process. While Rector Decree for delays or adjustments on UKT is being finalized along with the faculty and vocational schools leaders. The decree was needed to provide clearer guidance about the mechanisms and nomenclature,” Haryono said.
Being asked about the request for tuition reduction, Haryono explained in 2013, there were 130 students who were approved for tuition reduction, 411 students in 2014, and 717 students in 2015.
UGM Supports Green Open Space
Thousands of prospective students enrolled at UGM must have wished to have a campus atmosphere which are fresh, friendly, and convenient to learn and interact. One of the answers to that wish given by UGM s arrangement of Socio-Humanities Cluster by expanding the green open space. Cozy green open area can be used as a means of interacting for faculty, staff, and students. Moreover, it will support the management of the canteen at the Socio Humanities cluster to be more varied, hygienic and environmentally friendly.
“If it all can be realized, it will certainly make the atmosphere more comfortable, including for pedestrians and cyclists,” said UGM Director of Planning and Development, Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D. Eng.
Sulaiman adds that other step that will be made is to transform space filled with bushes and shrubs in the Socio Humanities cluster into an open space that can be used as a learning area (outdoor learning zone). In addition, the parking of vehicles which currently occupies the majority of green open land would be reorganized and transferred into the Lembah parking lot so green areas could be expanded.
“UGM is the only public open space around the city of Yogyakarta, which is also widely used by public to exercise, family picnics, and a place to socialize. In addition, the campus serves as a water catchment area and flood control, as well as the lungs of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas,” he said.
Sulaiman said that in the last few years, UGM has had difficulties to meet the public’s need. As a result, the campus atmosphere was not conducive to the process of teaching and learning and the development of environmentally friendly campus. This happens because the development of green open space, especially around the Socio humanities cluster has not yet been attained.
For this reason, continued Sulaiman, UGM is currently undertaking regional development in Socio Humanities cluster. Infrastructure development has been conducted at the Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and soon the construction of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences and Faculty of Economics and Business. Supporting infrastructure and social facilities such as an outdoor learning should be attained to gain more comprehensive education infrastructure that can be enjoyed by the UGM academic community and society.