UGM and National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) have, once again, cooperated in mitigation of landslide disaster. It comes in the form of installation of 14 early warning system tools or EWS in areas prone to landslide in Indonesia.
The 14 of the EWS will be installed in regencies of Cianjur, Magelang, Purworejo, Kerinci, Sikka, Lombok Timur, and Lombok Tengah, Lombok Barat, Buru, Nabire, Manokwari, Teluk Wondama, and Bantaeng. Next are municipalities of Ambon, Jayapura, and Manado.
This is a follow-up to the programme that has previously run. There have been six regencies/municipalities and 24 locations having EWS in place after UGM and BNPB cooperation.
BNPB Director for Alertness, Ir. Medi Herlianto C.E.S., said that the BNPB had prepared EWS development, including on landslides, due to the condition of Indonesia that is vulnerable to landslide disaster.
“Hopefully, the installation of EWS will spread to other regions in the country that are prone to landslide,” he said on Thursday (19/5) after the signing of cooperation agreement.
“EWS installation starts in Western Indonesian areas because those regions have bigger potential for landslide,” he explained.
UGM Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Dr. Paripurna P. Sugarda, S.H., L.L.M., said the cooperation would not only to install EWS in vulnerable areas but also to increase awareness and preparedness of the community in establishing a disaster resilient village.
“The EWS installation is valuable that requires the ability to manage the project well, especially related to accountability of project implementation,” he said.
Paripurna hoped the cooperation would be increased, thus minimising landslide risks.