Naval Chief of Staff, Admiral Ade Supandi, S.E., M.A.P., gave a general lecture to hundreds of student of Faculty of Engineering UGM on Monday at the Faculty’s office at UGM.
The Chief of Staff touched upon survey and mapping affairs for maritime defence, saying that these are important to do to support national defence.
“Maritime transport control which is efficient and secure depends on maritime map,” he said.
His office would continue updating the mapping of Indonesian maritime condition to explore potentials to be made as a base for regional development that is necessary to realise security in sea transportation.
The Admiral further emphasised the significance of maritime cultural values. In his opinion, Indonesia has to reorientate to the sea, because up to now the development of the country has focused more on the land, marginalising maritime sector. Indonesia actually has natural marine resource potential that is abundant.
“The abundant richness of the sea makes Indonesia potential for becoming world’s maritime axis, supported by strategic geographical position between two continents and two oceans,” he said.
Thus, he continues to strengthen the Navy to support the vision of President Joko Widodo to realise Indonesia as a world maritime axis. But all components of the state, including from higher learning, are expected to be involved and contribute to the management of defence and security of Indonesian maritime.
So, through this general lecture, he expects a cooperation between the Navy and UGM can be established to rebuild the cultural maritime of Indonesia. Both need to have mutual synergy to make Indonesia as the world’s maritime axis.