As many as 57 Medical students of Universitas Gadjah Mada are scheduled to take the Outgoing Students Exchange (OSE) programme from July to October where they will meet scientists from leading universities as well as becoming UGM ambassadors to the international community.
“In the event you will all represent UGM and people will know UGM through you,” said Vice-Dean for Academic, Students Affairs and Alumni of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., SpOG(K), PhD., in the Workshop for Pre-departure Outgoing Exchange event on Thursday (26/5) at the Auditorium of the Faculty.
The OSE programme which is a programme of excellence of the Faculty of Medicine UGM complements the Incoming Elective programme for international students studying at the Faculty. There are cooperations already in place with 20 universities in Asia and Europe; the Faculty has also sent 127 students to those universities. The OSE program is also to increase exposures to national-international context and competence among students to have a professional career.
Before departure, the UGM students were briefed on general and academic knowledge as well as psychological preparation. This time the students will be located in Romania, Sweden, France, Japan, South Korea, and Czech Republic.
The Vice-Dean advised the students to make use of the opportunity to the utmost to gain knowledge and experience. “In this event, there will be transfer of value, technology, and experience that can trigger future breakthroughs and innovations,” she added.