Saliva ejector is one of the most important tools in the dental and oral care procedure. This tool is usually connected to the dental chair so it is considered impractical and could not be carried outside the clinic. This case has inspired five UGM students to create Ordentio, a portable dental suction. The students are Nadya Kurnia Putri, Lely Sintya, Hamdan Abdullah Putra Utama, Arief Zulfauzi Sudiyarto, and Yarabisa Yanuar who thought of this idea. The idea came up when dentistry students undergoing Community Service Program had to give dental and oral care but could not provide dental chair since it was conducted in rural areas lacking of electricity.
“On a tooth extraction process, cotton is considered inefficient to absorb blood or saliva. Therefore, with the help of Ordentio – Portable Dental Suction, it will help dentist to perform minor surgery, such as tooth extraction. The Portable Dental Suction will be useful for patients as well since it will provide tools which they are supposed to have,” Yanuar explained.
Ordentio becomes an invention for dental instrument for oral health care which can be carried around and easly operated. Currently, portable dental suction is already available in some countries, but it is heavy and the price is not cheap, making them impractical to be carried around.
To manufacture this instrument, students odered its components by themselves. After finishing the tool, they did feasibility test.
“The manufaturing of this instrument was started by ordering its components such as vacuum pump from China, bottle, battery, cable, and dental suction. After all components are collected, Ordentio is packed by their partner, Rumah Vinyl. We did final test and feasibility test afterwards,” Yanuar added.
He hopes that in the near future, this product could be used by general public as a solution for oral health care in various areas in Indonesia where not all dental instruments are accesible.
“I hope Ordentio could be used widely. By having Ordentio, I hope it will make dentist’s job easier while it is useful for the patients as well,” he concluded.