There are still many farmers who do not understand about integrated farming well. As proof, there are still many buildup of dirt livestock in some villages in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Cow dung sometimes is only accumulated in the stall and not used by their owners. It produced air pollution and brought out many disease vectors such as flies, worms, fleas, ticks, mites and others.
“As in Giricahyo village, Purwosari district, Gunung Kidul regency, the majority of its residents are stock farmer and crops farmer, but unfortunately integrated farming systems have not been applied here,” said Betty Sundari, student of the Faculty of Veterinary Science UGM, Thursday (9/6).
Integrated farming systems, according to Betty, are a system that combines agriculture with other sectors, one of which is the livestock sector. Examples of this combination is in the form of the use of manure as fertilizer, and use of agricultural waste as animal feed.
“I think with the implementation of integrated farming system, it will make the business more profitable because the waste in each sector can be utilized as much as possible,” Betty said.
She then introduced organic fertilizer to farming communities and stock farmers. Together with Nungki Fatimatuzzahra, Nur Awwalia Maulida, Annisa Rachma Damayanti, and Muhammad Rosyed Ridho, she was practicing to make organic fertilizer in the Giricahyo village.
They made natural organic fertilizer by using environmentally friendly decomposers of household waste, such as leftover vegetables and fruits. Earlier, they socialized about the advantages of natural organic fertilizer, how to make it as well as the simulation of natural decomposers manufacture of household waste to local residents.
Many village residents were enthusiast to learn about the fertilizer production. They feel very happy with this program because they will be able to produce fertilizer and the level of pollution due to dirt can be reduced.
“Hopefully, there’ll be no more pollution and our harvest can increase by the use of natural fertilizers which are safer,” said Edi Nurhidayat, Jambu hamlet leader in Giricahyo.
Edi Nurhidayat said that currently the natural organic fertilizer task group has been formed. Their activities include manufacture of new fertilizers and manure mixing on Sunday.