Future without Child Labour is an international move to address child labour problem that still persists. The Indonesian Government is committed to meeting the Child Labour Free By 2020 campaign. Without awareness among society, however, this idea seems impossible to reach.
Actually, the government has devised policy and strategy for elimination of child labour through a roadmap, Worst Forms of Child Labour (BPTA) Year 2016 or National Act Plan (RAN). These, however, are seen as ineffective by demography reseacher from Universitas Gadjah Mada Mada, Novi Widyaningrum, M.A., if there is no understanding of child labour and child rights among communities. There is tendency for parents’ permissible behaviour of their children who are employed for reasons to help their parents, for example.
In a press release to mark the World Day against Child Labour on 12 June, Novi said on Monday (13/6) that, “the system has been made as such by the state, but this has not touched upon the cultural aspects. It still takes a long time to change the mindset of the parents.”
The release further mentions the unavailabity data of child labour in Indonesia. Identification of child labour, therefore, has to be done by the community themselves. They can be encouraged to identify the presence of child labour and make plans on eliminating this in their neighbourhood.