The number of aircraft accidents that occurred resulted in many casualties, both fatalities and injuries. Not to mention missing victims or bodies that have not been recovered.
The question that often arises is whether the missing victims have survived, or died. Rescue practice that has been carried out has many limitations. Especially when the weather is bad, a rescue team with the naked eye as well as with the help of optical equipment will face difficult challenge.
These conditions make the search for survivors long, spending many resources. It causes other problems such as if the victims have died, the condition of the bodies would be more difficult to recognize and when the victims survive, their condition would have worsened.
Now, to simplify it all, UGM team develops smart tools named Smart-Tech Bracelet that is capable of tracking and marking the site of the crash. Five UGM students involved in the development of this tool, are Bruno Fandi Adi Pratama (Electronics and Instrumentation 2014), Anindar Naufal Adila (Industrial Engineering 2013), Alwy Herfian Satriatama (Electronics and Instrumentation 2014), Tri Yunianta (Electronics and Instrumentation 2014), and Nisa Amertha Edriyani (Accounting 2013).
“In its application, Smart-Tech bracelets will be worn by all passengers when entering the cabin. Just like seat belts, bracelets Smart-Tech will be used by each passenger during the journey,” said Bruno Fandi Adi Pratama at UGM on Thursday (16 / 6).
Bruno revealed that it is called smart bracelet because it is able to know when the plane crashed. “By utilizing the sensor of surrounding circumstances, integrated with flight schedules, Smart-Tech Bracelet will be activated automatically. GPS Tracker used in Smart-Tech Bracelet will automatically send location to the receiving device if the plane crashed,” Bruno said.
Smart-Tech Bracelet production process not only considered the system that is used but also its safety, comfort, and aesthetic aspects.
Anindar Naufal Adila added the investment made by the airline by using this technology is one-off cost because Smart-Tech Bracelet can be used repeatedly.
With the discovery of Smart-Tech Bracelet, it is expected to be more efficient in the search for survivors of crashed plane; efficient at search time, resource consumption, labor and cost.
“Smart-Tech Bracelet team will keep innovating this tool to optimize its system performance,” said Naufal Adila.