Universitas Gadjah Mada’s professor in animal husbandry, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suharjono Triatmojo, MS., passed away on Saturday (25/6) at Panti Rapih Hospital at the age of 62 years. The man born in Bantul regency on 3 April 1954 left his four children. Many colleagues came to pay their last respect during a ceremony on Sunday (26/6) at Balairung UGM before the body was laid at the UGM Sawitsari cemetery.
Suharjono Triatmojo has dedicated himself to science for over 30 years. He held functional and structural posts during his life, including the Head of Department of Animal Product Technology (2003-2008). He also received awards, such as Satyalancana Karya Satya XX from President of RI in 2003, 25’s year of service at UGM from Rector and Satyalancana Karya Satya XXX from President of RI in 2013.
UGM’s Chair of Board’s of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunjoto, Dip.HE, DEA, saw the late professor as someone who had actively and productively made contributions to UGM. He also wrote four books throughout his life.
“The late professor had been actively involved in research that most were published in international journals,” said Sunjoto.
Family representative, Heru Sudibyo, thanked all people who came to the funeral ceremony and asked them for forgiveness for the deceased. “While working at UGM, certainly he had made mistakes, so please do forgive him,” he said.