Head of the Restoration of Peat (BRG), Ir. Nasir Foead, M.Sc., share some tips to succeed at the work place in front of 1,030 prospective UGM graduates. In the graduation debriefing activity on Tuesday (26/5) at Graha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM he shared some experience in his career.
Nasir said that at work it is important to master the competencies required by organizations and companies. Not only sufficient knowledge and insight that are needed, but also technical expertise in the field is also indispensable in the work. For example, technical skills will be tested in the decision making process.
“How we make decisions is part of the practice of leadership,” he explained.
Ability to communicate was important to continue to be built. According to the man, it is important to establish communication with a good attitude and a clear message.
“One other thing is that is important to always maintain the integrity and professionalism at work,” he said. Nasir said that success or failure in achieving targets will always happen. However, he asked the students to always maintain the integrity despite the failure.
“Do not sell your integrity by lying, committing corruption and other things so as not to be seen as having failed to lead a successful life. Strive to always maintain the integrity of whatever the circumstances is,” he said.
Not to forget, Nasir told the prospective graduates to uphold the values of UGM. He hopes the science and the value obtained at UGM can be used at the work place and to build the nation.
Mayor of Gorontalo, Marten A Taha, SE, M. Ec.Dev, in front of the students told the policies he set while leading Gorontalo.
On that occasion, Marten said many things, ranging from infrastructure development, healthcare, education assurance, guarantee of doing business, and others.
He showed off a number of excellent programs that have been run in Gorontalo which can be obtained free of charge from birth to death. The programs include free educational expenses from elementary to high school, free of giving birth expenses, free birth certificates, ID cards, free healthcare costs in both the public and private hospitals.
“We also provide capital for micro-enterprises and business licensing for micro enterprises. It has been more than six thousand licenses that we issue,” said the alumnus of Master in Economics Development UGM.
Various innovations developed are expected to improve the welfare of people of Gorontalo. He said that innovation can bring change in society towards a better life.
“Innovating is important, because if the work only relies on conventional methods, it will not bring much change,” he explained.
Therefore, he advised the graduating students of UGM to continue innovating at work. Because, with the innovation many things will be born that can drive positive change to achieve success.