Lecturer in Sports and Health of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Yusuf Hidayat, Sp.Pd., M.Si., has achieved doctorate at UGM on Friday (29/7) in the Auditorium of Faculty of Psychology UGM, after defending his dissertation entitled Effect of Multi-techniques Psychological Strategy Intervention to Learning Process of Basic Skills in Playing Badminton, Motivation, Sports, and Self-confidence.
Yusuf studied application of combination of training techniques of psychological skill training (PST) or mental training for badminton at the age of 10-12 years old among athletes. It is a technique to combine the techniques of goal setting, self-talk, and mental imagery that is known as multitechnique strategy. The strategy is given in parallel and simultaneously known as multitechniques strategy psychological intervention (IPSM).
Yusuf said the interventions has two stages, first, process of education and training to all badminton coaches; second, application of hypothetical products in the form of field intervention to junior athletes aged 10-12 years old.
The background for the problem that is observed is the theoretical-practical gap between understanding concept on the important role of aspects of techniques of PST; PST techniques as das-sollen-what should be with the field implementation as das sein-what is happening. Yusuf found out that the three components of the multitechniques intervention is effective in the learning of athletes aged 10-12.
It has divergent concept that is simultaneous, whether partial or interactive. The intervention that is integrated in learning stages can start from movement observation, emulation, self-control, and self-regulation. “IPSM is effective in improving the learning result for playing badminton, motivation, and self-conficende of athletes at the age of 10-12 years parially or interactively,” said Yusuf.