Centre for Pancasila Studies (PSP) UGM in collaboration with the Education Office of Yogyakarta held a training in order to develop a model of violence prevention in schools. The training was attended by 40 participants from high school teachers and headmasters in the city of Yogyakarta, which took place in the Meeting Room of LPPM, Saturday (27/8). Training was given by several speakers and facilitators, among others, Dr. Heri Santoso, Drs. Hadi Sutarmanto, MS., and Surono, MA, as well as government officials of Education Office Yogyakarta. This training is intended to help teachers and school leaders to develop the intellectual, emotional, spiritual and kinesthetic potential holistically as a way of preventing violence.
Heri explained that according to his research, the perpetratorsof violence are having problems in their intellectual, emotional, spiritual and kinesthetic. According to Heri, perpetrators have yet to develop the full potential of intelligence that God has given them. Indications were seen on the perpetrators who tend to show shortcut mentality, egotistical, difficult to adapt, empathy, and collaborate.
“Sometimes the perpetrators behave less religious or even show fanaticism to particular religious group. They also have not developed their kinesthetic potential well,” said Heri.
Meanwhile, Drs. Rusmadi Giri Nugroho, Head of Secondary Education School Management Yogyakarta City Department of Education, said some schools in the city of Yogyakarta have made efforts to minimize the occurrence of bullying. Efforts are made to identify and develop the potential of each school. Rusmadi exemplifies SMAN 4 highschool which focused on the development of sport, SMAN 9 which focused on familiarization of Java language, and SMA 6 with a wide range of research. According to Rusmadi, school branding of the school is quite effective to manage the aggressiveness of students at school. Even so, Rusmadi does not deny that Yogyakarta stiil has high number of violence among students.
Meanwhile, Drs. Hadi Sutarmanto, MS, social psychologist from UGM said that psychologically, abusers usually tend to think a shortcut, which is not entirely to be blamed. Hadi Sutarmanto added that some students who are lacking abilities or have an “excess energy” is a potential abuser, but it is not always that way. This is understandable because psychologically, they want to show their existence, they want to be recognized.
“Our duty is to help them show their existence in a way that does not harm others,” said Hadi.