Amilu Suroto, a student from SMK N 3 Purbalingga highschool, won the Welding Competition 2016 organised by Association of Mechanical Engineering Students of UGM Vocational School on Tuesday (30/8). The first and second runner-up were Asep Hudayana from SMK N 2 Cilacap and Fajar Afrianto from SMK N 3 Yogyakarta.
Committee chairman, Yusuf Rahmatullah, said the welding competition was joined by up to 27 students of vocational schools in Yogyakarta and Central Java, including from Cepu, Cilacap, Tegal, Solo, Surakarta, and Pekalongan.
This time the competition had the theme Welding Development to Accelerate Indonesia’s State Development, designed to improve the skills and competence of students in welding.
“All participants were selected in three stages, being theories, practice 1, and practice 2. Assessment was done based on the results of the welding theories and practices in several positions,” he said on Thursday (1/9) at the School.
Secretary of Mechanical Engineering Department, Radian Krisna Putra, S.T., M.Eng., said the winners were not only entitled to having cash prize and trophies, but also the chance to get admitted at the Department without a test.
“We’re considering the winners to get admitted at UGM’s Vocational School without undergoing the entrance test,” he said.