In a few days, the National Sports Week XIX (PON) will be officiated by President Joko Widodo (17/9) in West Java. The event that is held every four years is the biggest in the country that competes many sporting events such as football, badminton, athletics, martial arts, and swimming. Athletes from all Indonesian provinces will contend for the highest titles in sports.
UGM will also participate in this national event through its three students. They are Nurseto Abdul Rosyid (Vocational School) and Dita Marfu’ah (Psychology) who will participate in the Canoe Slalom, and Jalu Lintang Yogiswara (Cultural Sciences) who will compete in rafting.
The three will join other athletes from the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. The three students have actively participated in UGM Nature Enthusiasts unit (Mapagama). Recently, they ascended the Mt. Stok Kangri in India and explored the caldera of Mt.Tambora in Nusa Tenggara.