Protein is one important nutrition to improve damaged cells and immunity. But excessive consumption may create bad health, including one from red meat such as lambs, goats or cows.
Nutritionist from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK UGM), Dr. Susetyowati, DCN., M.Kes., said human body needs protein as much as 2 portions or equals to100 gram a day. The protein can be found in meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs, and also legumes.
“It is recommended to consume protein between 50-100 gram per day, but not more than that as it may cause dislipidemia (fat disorder in blood),” she said on Thursday (15/9) at the Faculty.
Indonesian people tend to consume more meat during the Eid al Adha celebrations. Susetyowati asked people to be on alert especially those with cholesterol problems because consumption of red meat may increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. Those without the problems should also be careful because excessive consumption may cause indigestion.
“In the long run, risk for hypertension increases that may trigger narrowing of blood vessels, heart disease, diabetes, etc,” she said.
Susetyowati said, contrary to popular belief, goat meat has lower cholesterol, fats, and calories than beef’s. Susetyowati suggested the people against adding excessive ingredients to the meat such as oil, coconut milk, ketchup, or sauce, as these would increase the cholesterol, too.
“In addition, don’t forget to have vegetables and fruit to balance the calories and cholesterol intake,” she said.