A moderate trust can generate team innovation that is optimum. Besides, task complexities in the team corresponds positively to the formation of team innovation.
This was said by Hidajat Hendarsjah, Management lecturer from Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in Surakarta, Central Java, during his doctoral promotion at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on Monday (3/10). He defended a dissertation titled Curvilinier Relations between IntraTeam Trust and Team Innovation: Role of Moderating Task Complexities in Team.
His research on 252 respondents in 65 working teams on 9 organisations in Indonesia resulted that the importance of moderate trust is known to produce team innovation which is optimum. This finding can give light to managers in terms of organisational practices. First, strategy of task description if team innovation becomes the work indicators. This way managers can combine elements of complexities in a team task so that team innovation can be realised effectively.
“High team innovation is hard to materialise in teams with simple team tasks,” he said.
Second, strategy for composition arrangement of team members to produce better innovation. In a team with high or low trust, high team innovation would not arise. Rotation programme in different teams can minimise the high trust in the team.
“On the other hand, new teams with members that have not met each other before should have orientation programme first. This gives opportunities for members to get to know each other before they are assigned tasks that require high team innovation,” he said.