Geology department of Universitas Gadjah Mada and Association of Geology Students UGM (HMTG) organised Energy Talk 2016 in the Auditorium MM UGM on Saturday (1/10). Energy Talk is part of a series of GeoWeek 2016 events. There are also Wall Climbing Competition, Talkshow 2016, International Geomapping Competition, Quizzes, and National Seminars.
Carrying the theme Brighter Energy Future in Indonesia: Strategies and Opportunities in Overcoming Challenges, Energy Talk 2016 presented speakers such as Ahmad Yuniarto (Former Chairman of Schlumberger Group Indonesia), Singgih Widagdo (GM Marketing Support & Analyst of PT. Berau Coal), Moektianto Soeryowibowo (Exploration Director of BP Indonesia), Luky Agung Yusgiantoro (Vice-President Management Representative of Pertamina JOB and BOB SKK Migas), and Marwan Batubara (Director of Indonesia Resources Studies).
Singgih Widagdo had the view that, “Energy issues is not a matter of energy supply but storage issue.”
Meanwhile, Soeryowibowo explained issues related to gas energy in Indonesia. He saw that the gas production here is stable with most being allocated to meet the national’s need whilst limiting exports on the other hand. Soeryowibowo said that the National Energy Board understood the government’s concerns to balance the energy demands by year 2030. “So, we will make a balance to meet oil, gas, coal, and renewable energy needs,” he said. Currently, utilisations of renewable energy such as biotherm, wind, and biomass are still very low. He hoped in the future those would increase, thus minimising uses of fossil fuel.