Heart attack is still number one fatal disease in the world. The WHO recorded at least 17.5 millions (30%) of world population have died due to heart problems.
Cardiologist from Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Gadjah Mada, dr. Budi Yuli Setianto, SpPD-KKV., SpJP(K)., highlighted the importance to identifying symptoms for heart attack, which are pain in the chest, dizziness, short breath, nausea and fainting.
In a talkshow on cardiac health on Thursday (6/10) at Faculty of Medicine UGM, Budi Yuli said heart attack did not happen all of a sudden. It is indicated by mild discomfort in the chest that come and go. But not a few patients cannot identify the symptoms. If experiencing a sudden heart attack, Budi Yuli suggested people to carry the patient to the nearest hospital as each minute is worth his life.
“In a heart attack, don’t try to delay even more than 5 minutes to contact paramedics or carry the patient to hospital immediately to be treated soon,” said he.
Healthy Lifestyle
Nutritionist from UGM Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Toto Sudargo, SKM., M.Kes., heart disease can be prevented and controlled through lifestyle and diet, maintaining intake of protein, salt, fats, and fruit and vegetables.
Protein recommendation per person per day is 0.8 gram/kg body weight, salt 5 gram per day, for hypertension 2-3 gram per day, fruit and vegetables 5 portions per day.
Toto mentioned some food that are good for the heart, including salmon, tuna, sardines, and rastrelliger, olive oil, apple, red grape, tomato, beans, chocolate, and mung bean as they can decrease LDL cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants, as well as preventing narrowing of heart vessels.
Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Sc., PhD, public health expert from the Faculty, pointed out tips to avoid heart problems, including non-smoking, exercise, healthy diet, and stress management.