Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students became the runner-up in the Creativity Competition in Disaster Issue 2016, hosted by National Disaster Mitigation Agency, hence earning the Tangguh Award 2016 in the category of scientific writing. The award was presented in Manado on 13 October 2016.
These students are Yuniar Rizky and Fatihan Hafiz Aulia (Electrical Engineering), Eka Dhamayanti and Setia Prihatin (Geology) and Suryo Prakoso Putra (Informatics Technology) who wrote “Doctor-Bensor Detector of Land Movement Based on Extensiometer and Android Apps as Landslide Early Warning System (EWS) Solution.
Suryo Prakoso said the android app was used to display the information on landslide early warning system, also services to public report on landslide potential.
“Information from EWS extensiometer is integrated with an andorid app accessible by soceity to anticipate landslides,” he said on Monday (17/10) on campus.
The app has been developed with menus such as placement points of the EWS that contains coordinates, location, date, hour, scale of movement, and risk level, maps of land movement vulnerabilities, mitigation calendar for landslides, links to Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency, updates on landslides, and education on landslide disaster.
“Through this app, the people can contribute to do disaster mitigation quickly, effectively, and efficiently,” he said.
Head of UGM Subdirectorate for Student Creativity Programme, Ahmad Agus Setiawan,S.T., M.Sc.,Ph.D., said the UGM students won the award after competing hard with over 200 papers.
“This win is a pride to us, a trigger to spark the spirit of UGM students to not stop making works useful for the state in the future,” he said on Monday (17/10) on campus.
Ahmad Agus said the Docter Bensor project started in the Student Creativity Programm 2015. It was funded by the Higher Learning in 2016. “This proves the products created by students to be innovative and competitive. We would always support students programme, not only to win at National Scientific Week but also making national and international achievements,” he said.