The relations between science, arts and changes have been observable. Science and arts are considered as a strength to change inwardly and outwardly. Revolutionary change in human history is mostly due to scientific findings. Creativity in arts often inspires science that leads to social and economic change. Dance, song, music, and even food are samples that reflect unique lives in many societies.
But the relations between science, arts, and changes are often ambiguous in terms of goal and origin. On one hand, science and arts can become the subject or strength to change society life in producing food, creating safety, eliminating limits in motion, and making new limits and relation patterns between “us” and “them”. On the other hand, science and arts can be used as a tool to maintain a status quo or to prevent unwanted changes and promote wanted transformation.
Unfortunately, the distance between science and arts on one hand and on the practical world is often obscure. The police is often uninformed on these important findings, so scientists and artists are often unable to define the relevance of their works and the real needs.
“Therefore, we’re doing this conference with the belief that creative interdisciplines cooperation can bring us enrichment,” said Prof. Ir. Suryo Purwono, M.A.Sc., Ph.D, Vice-Director of UGM Graduate School on Wednesday (26/10) when opening the 8th International Graduate Students and Scholar Scholars’ Conference in Indonesia (IGSSCI) at UGM Graduate School.
Some experts that are present are Dr. Hilmar Farid (Director General in the Ministry of Education and Culture), Prof. Dr. Sudibyakto (Disaster Magister Management Programme UGM) and Elizabeth Inandiak (Institut Français d’Indonésie), Dr. Chan Chee Ming (Centre for Graduate Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia), Dr. Dicky Sofjan (ICRS UGM and Prof. Dr. Tomas Lindgren (Professor Social Psychology, Umea University, Sweden)
Dr. M. Iqbal Ahnaf, committee chairman, said the conference runs for two days from 26-27 October 2016 at UGM Graduate School. The conference present papers that give contributions to changes in a wider scope.
Topics to discus include environment conservation, conflict resolution, disease treatment, and building a fair and equal society. The research in those areas offer enlightment that enable science and arts to be changed in a different context, exploring further discussion between science and decision makers and other emerging sectors to bridge the gap that exists.