At least one hundred researchers participated in the 2nd International Conference in Science and Technology (ICST) from 27-28 OCtober in Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta. The annual conference is initiated UGM Publishing Agency to give room for researchers to share information and research related to science and technology.
Head of the Publisihing Agency, Widodo, Ph.D., said the researchers shared latest info on bioprospecting, nanotechnology, computer and geomaritime. “This conference accommodates and explores science according to the latest development in the world,” said Widodo.
President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Surrey, Guilford United Kingdom, Max Lu, said the nanotechnology development became a new paradigm among researchers in terms of science and technology. In his opinion, nanotechnology has immense potential that enables clean technology development through the use of solar efficiency, thermoelectric, and high density energy storing. “The nanotechnology that is developed aims at obtaining clean energy resource, making water cleaner as well as use of CO2,” he said.
The development of nanotechnology is expected to be able to resolve the problems and challenges facing the global society in the future with regard to the depleting energy supplies, limited clean water, and climate change.
Director of Versatile Silicon Indonesia, Eko Fajar Nur Prasetyo, explained the development of 5G research technology. He viewed that 5G technology had to be the main research focus for Indonesian researchers. The 5G technology is predicted to be the future generation for wireless communication network. He further cited the wide gap between international and Indonesian research on this issue.