Alumni of Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kafegama) gathered together in the UC UGM on Friday (28/10). The event was attended by Transport Minister, Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi, UGM Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., Dean of UGM, Dr. Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Commissary of PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk., Dr, Hendri Saparini, Vice Chairman of Financial Auditing Agency as well as Chairman of Kafegama, Drs. Sapto Amal Damandari, Ak., C.P.A., C.A, and other members of Kafegama. In the event the Kafegama team launched a book entitled “Growing Democratic Economy, Winning ASEAN Economic Community.”
Democratic economy is the basis for Kafegama in that attempts to awaken the Indonesian economy has to be done using economic approach that starts from the democratic economy spirit. As many as ten sectors are offered for thoughts by Kafegama, including optimalisation of natural resources, HRD sector in creative economy and tourism economy, and cultural resources.
“We hope the issues we discuss in the book can contribute to further discussions that will eventually lead to implementation,” said Dr. Hendri Saparini.
Secretary of Kafegama, Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M.Sc., explained their program, which includes alumni tracer, Crowd-Funding among alumni of Kafegama, and to preparing economic and business leaders in bureaucracy, government and business. Dean of the Faculty appreciated Kafegama that has helped advance the Faculty of Economics and Business as well as student activities.
Minister Budi Karya Sumadi in his remarks appreciated the gathering and book launching. “Apart from contribution to scientific events, Kafegama also brought us closer to the business that helps make Indonesia prosper,” said Minister Budi Karya.