Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Academic Hospital became the only State University Hospital that has been selected in the PERSI AWARDS 2016 in Jakarta. The research topic – Patient Safety on Global Trigger Tool as Detector of Safety Incident of Patients at UGM Academic Hospital – was included in the Patient Safety Project category, with researchers dr. Novi Zain Alfajri and dr. Mahatma Sotya Bawono Sp.THT-KL, M.Sc., who managed to earn the Runner Up place in the PERSI AWARDS.
“PERSI AWARDS-IHMA is an award presented to hospitals as one form of contributions from PERSI to improve the quality of hospitals in Indonesia,”said Director of the UGM Academic Hospital, Prof. Dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad(K)., DHSM., on Thursday(3/11).
The PERSI AWARD – IHMA 2016 that ran at the end of October was presented to hospitals with high credit based on each category after an assessment by judges and PERSI executive boards.
Arif explained the category to be competed referred to the ASIAN HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT AWARDS (AHMA), to encourage hospital managers to improve quality of health services and make innovations in management, service or products.
“The category in the PERSI AWARDS is divided into 8 categories which were followed by all Indonesian hospitals,” he said.