Change in bureaucracy is a challenge to get out of the comfort zone. In the reform era’s political climate, governmental administration needs to do transformation by making innovation in public services. Agus Dwiyanto, observer of government bureaucracy from UGM, said that such change was a matter of momentum.
Agus Dwiyanto said during the launching of a book published by UGM Press: Leading Change in Governmental Bureaucracy: A note from Academics, at the MAP UGM seminar room recently that the effort to reconstruct power is through two means. First, making change is a matter of momentum. Second, a leader has to have subordinates for the organisational interests. Agus Dwiyanto said that “The effort has to be sought for in order to be able to make change.”
The launching was attended by other speakers, State Secretary, Pratikno, Regent of Kulon Progo, Hasto Wardoyo, and Head of Yogyakarta Planning and Development Agency, Tavip Agus Rayanto.
In his remarks, Tavip explained that the book revealed what he had experienced whilst taking office at the government. “The long structural bureaucracy has become a barrier for making innovations,” he lamented.
State Secretary, Pratikno, said that in bureaucracy, public service has to be prioritised. He recounted that President Joko Widodo instructed the optimisation of public service as Indonesia is a country of law.
Kulon Progo Regent, Hasto Wardoyo, explained how he instilled the love for local products among society to enhance public service in governmental bureaucracy.