Deputy Head for Human, Society and Culture of National Planning and Development Ageny ( BAPPENAS), Dr. Ir. Subandi Sardjoko, M.Sc., said Indonesia has not reached the target of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. Of the 8 goals, 18 targets, and 67 indicators, Indonesia only reached 49 of 67 indicators.
He said this when opening the 10th Global RCE Conference in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, on Wednesday (23/11). One that has not been met is poverty reduction with the rate of poverty at 28.59 million or 11.22 percent of Indonesian total population in 2015. So is the case with maternal health with maternal mortality is much higher than the target.
“Indonesia also faces barriers in building global partnership for development and sustainability. These became our homework for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals),” he said.
Subandi said the government could not work alone in doing the SDGS. So, synergies with academics, business players, philantrophists, society and the media are required.
Earlier, Governor of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan HB X, in his remarks read out by Assistant to Head of Economy and Development of Yogyakarta, Gatot Saptadi, said development has positive and negative impacts. So, development implementation needs to consider the environment condition and ecosystem sustainability, “So the development that is carried out would not disadvantage the society in local, regional, and global scope,” said Sultan.
He further emphasised the need for enhancement of HR quality as development players, because humans are the determinant factor in national development. With resources that take into account the environment, it can encourage the acceleration of sustainable development goals.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., expressed her commitment in the efforts to eradicate poverty through education to meet the SDGs. This can be done through, among others, downstreamingof research products that will be produced at Teaching Industri to be built in Kulon Progo regency.
Dwikorita said, “the presence of teaching industry is expected to mobilise the growth of people’s economy,” she said.
Meanwhile, Naoya Tsukamoto, Project Director of UNU-ISAS, said the world was facing challenges to meet sustainable development. In the conference, academics, policy makers, industry players and related groups can discuss together and share experience to implement sustainable development and find solutions to the global actions to meet SDGs.